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the Meeting was taken as read. The minutes of

the Half-yearly Meeting held on 18th May, 1950,

were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

The audited Accounts of the Society for the year

ended 30th April, 1950, were unanimously adopted

and, with the consent o f the meeting, were signed by

the Chairman. Messrs. Kevans & Sons were re­

appointed Auditors for the year to end 30th

April, 1951.

The Secretary read the report of the Scrutineers

o f the Ballot for the election of the Council and

Provincial Delegates on the Council for the year

to end on the day before the date of the Ordinary

General Meeting in November, 1951, which stated

that for the office o f Provincial Delegate the

following had been returned unopposed:—

Ulster, Derrick M. Martin; Munster, John J.

Dundon; Leinster, Reginald J. Nolan, and that

for the office of Provincial Delegate for Connaught,

two candidates had been duly nominated, namely,

Christopher E. Callan and Gerald Maguire, and

that the result of the Ballot were as follow s:

Christopher E. Callan, 28 votes, and Gerald Maguire,

25 votes, and that accordingly, Christopher E.

Callan was elected Provincial Delegate for

Connaught, and Gerald Maguire Supplemental

Delegate for the same Province. The report further

stated that the following had been elected as the

thirty-one ordinary members of the Council, having

received the number of votes placed after their

respective names: Henry St. J. Blake, 474 ; Arthur

Cox, 466; William J. Norman, 462; Thomas

A . O’Reilly, 444; Dermot P. Shaw, 440; Joseph

Barrett, 436; John Carrigan, 434; - Patrick R.

Boyd, 4 33; Patrick F. O’Reilly, 427; James J.

O ’Connor, 424; Daniel O’ Connell, 4 18 ; Sean

6 hUadhaigh, 405 ; George A . Overend, 388 ;

Joseph P. Tyrrell, 376 ; Desmond R. Counahan,

374; Gerald J. O’Donnell, 371 ; Louis E. O’Dea,

370 ; Desmond Mayne, 363 ; John R. Halpin,

362 ; John J. Nash, 358 ; William L. Duggan, 355 ;

William S. Huggard, 354; John J. Bolger, 345 ;

James R. Quirke, 330; Niall S. Gaffney, 328;

Francis Gearty, 327; Roger Greene, 326; John

S. O’Connor, 315 ; Maurice Power, 3 14 ; Laurence

F. Branigan, 294; John J. Sheil, 2 8 1; with the

following as the supplemental list, in case of

vacancies: Ralph J. Walker, 268; Patrick J.

Murphy, 266 ; Thomas O’Neill, 227. The President

declared the result o f the election in accordance

with the Scrutineers’ report.

The President in moving the adoption of the

Report said:







You have now had in your hands for some days

the report o f the Council for the year just ended.

The report this year was circulated later than usual.

We could not have it printed earlier as the examin­

ation results were delayed on account o f the addit­

ional work imposed on the Examiners following

the extension o f the final examination from two to

three days, and the Intermediate examination from

one to two days. However, I think you have all

had time to read the report before the meeting, and

this will save me from the necessity o f going into

the various matters with which it deals in detail.

Since the Ordinary General Meeting o f the Society

in May last, death has taken its usual toll from the

profession. We have lost an old and valued member

o f the Council in the late William S. Hayes, who

died during the long vacation. I will not here

attempt to express the deep sense o f personal loss

experienced by each member o f the Council and the

loss which the profession has suffered in the death

o f a member who served on the Council for almost

60 years. I have elsewhere paid a tribute to the

character and personality o f the late William Hayes.

I am sure in doing so I expressed the sentiments of

the entire profession.

The following members o f the profession also

died since the last meeting:-—-Patrick F. McCormack,

Laurence J. O’Neill, Hugh O’Brien Moran, William

J. O’Meara, John R. Peart, and we wish to

express our sympathy with their relatives.








From the point o f view o f the practice o f the

Courts one o f the most important events during the

past 12 months has been the completion by the

Circuit Court Rules Committee under the Chairman­

ship o f Mr. Justice Shannon, o f their labours, and

the publication o f the Circuit Court Rules. Two

members o f the Council served on the Committee—

which met weekly over a period o f years—namely,

Mr. Sean O hUaidhaigh, and Mr. Joseph Tyrrell.

To these members o f the Council the Society is

indebted for the work which they have done on

behalf of the profession. I am sure that the new

rules will facilitate the business o f our Clients in the

Circuit Court and remove the defects which were

found in the former procedure. The new rules

contain complete schedules o f costs, and for the first

time it has been possible to draw up scales o f costs

as between party and party in cases under the Land­

lord and Tenants Acts, 1931 and 1943- This will

remedy a serious defect in the old procedure whereby

an unreasonable landlord or an unreasonable

tenant could institute or defend proceedings with­

out having to pay the costs o f the opposite side. I

am glad to say that the rules have also been greatly

improved by the inclusion o f an adequate Index