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Certified and Corporate Accountants and the Society

of Incorporated Accountants in reply to the

representations made by the Society on the subject

o f the formation of limited liability companies

and the preparation o f articles and memoranda

o f association.

The replies received from the

Society o f Incorporated Accountants and the Asso­

ciation o f Certified and Corporate Accountants were

satisfactory and it was ordered that the Secretary

should write to thank those bodies. Further

representations are being made arising out o f the

replies received from the Institute of Chartered

Accountants and the Association of Practising and

Commercial Accountants.





1951. The President in the Chair.

Also present:

Messrs. Desmond R. Counahan

and Gerald J. O ’Donnell, Vice-Presidents, Derniot

P. Shaw, Joseph P. Tyrrell, John J. Nash, Daniel

O’Connell, James R. Quirke, John R. Halpin,

Roger Greene, William J. Norman, John L . Kealy,

James J . O’Connor, Francis J . Lanigan, George

G. Overend, Ralph J . Walker, John Carrigan,

Patrick R. Boyd, Thomas A. O’Reilly, Derrick

M. Martin, John J. Sheil, Joseph Barrett.

The following was among the business trans­

acted :—

Ennis Urban District Council—Costs under

the Small Dwellings (Acquisition) Acts



Secretary read a letter received from Mr.

Bryan McMahon, Law Agent to the Urban Council,

enclosing copy o f a resolution, stated to have been

passed at a meeting o f that Council, to the effect

that the Council should resign in a body unless

the Law Agent agreed to accept a fixed fee of


Ss-> or £6 6s., for each mortgage to secure

an advance made under the Act. Inaccurate and

defamatory statements concerning Mr. McMahon

had been made at the meetings of the Urban Council

on a number of occasions. It was decided that the

Secretary should write to the County Manager

protesting against the attacks made on the Law

Agent and requesting that the County Manager

should not permit misleading and inaccurate

statements by Councillors to remain unanswered.

It was decided to inform the County Manager

that the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland and

the County Clare Solicitors’ Association fully

support Mr. McMahon.





1952. The President in the Chair.

Also present:

Messrs Desmond R. Counahan

and Gerald J . O’Donnell, Vice-Presidents, John

Carrigan, John L. Kealy, Francis J. Lanigan, James

J. O’Connor, Reginald J. Nolan, Derrick M.


Martin, Roger Greene, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Thomas

A. O’Reilly, James R. Quirke, Francis J . Gearty,

Sedn O hUadhaigh, Desmond J. Mayne, Louis

E- O’Dea, John J. Nash, John J . Sheil, Joseph

Barrett, Ralph J. Walker, George G. Overend,

John R. Halpin, Patrick R. Boyd.

The following was among the business trans­

acted :—

Legal text books



Council considered


report from the Court

o f Examiners which stated that the Minister for

Justice in 1939 appointed a Committee to consider

a grant for the publication o f legal text books.

The Committee made a report in 1945 and the

Department of Finance subsequently sanctioned a

subsidy of £7,500 towards the publication o f three

text books. No further progress has been made

towards the publication of these books. It was

decided that the President and Secretary should

seek an interview with the Secretary, Department

of Justice, to discuss the matter.

Costs o f leases



Council was asked on an agreed statement

of facts to decide what costs should be paid by

a lessee to a lessor in the following circumstances__

AB agreed to lease 8f acres of land to the Minister

for Lands for ten years at the yearly rent of

£57 is. 3d. It was afterwards agreed that the

rent should be commuted to a single payment of

£500. By deed dated 6th November, 1950, AB

demised the land to the Minister for ten yea’rs in

consideration o f £500 (receipt acknowledged).

No rent was fixed but the document contained a

number o f covenants appropriate to a lease. An

abstract of title was furnished and mortgagees of

the lessor joined in the deed. The Councfl decided

that as the parties had agreed to treat the document

as ^a lease the capital sum of £ 500 was the

estimated present value o f a rent o f £57 is. 3d. for

ten years. On this assumption the costs for which

the lessee was liable were Abstract o f Title,

£5 18s. 1 id., (detailed items under Schedule 2-)

costs of mortgagee joining, £ 1 n s . 6d. ;


fee on lease at rack rent, registered land, £9. I f

the lease is registered in the Registry of Deeds by

the lessor’s solicitor, £ 3 extra.

The Council was asked to decide on an agreed

statement of facts the costs payable by the lessee

to the lessor under the following circumstances__

The lease was made pursuant to an Order o f the

Circuit Court under Part 3 o f the Landlord and

Tenant Act, 19 31. It was agreed that the rent

fixed under Part 3 is less than the rent in the open


The lessor’s solicitor contended that