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(Acquisition) Acts and if it is proposed to reduce

such fees and thereby encourage the building of

more houses.

Mr. Smith : I am not empowered by the Small

Dwellings Acquisition Acts to authorise a scale

of fees to be charged by solicitors o f local authorities

for their services. My Department has, however,

been in consultation with the Incorporated Law

Society with a view to securing modification of

such fees in appropriate cases. The Incorporated

Law Society is considering the matter and I under­

stand that they hope to be in a position shortly

to express the detailed views o f the profession.

In the meantime certain modifications o f fees have

been made in particular cases.

Mr. O’H ara: Is the Minister aware that the

solicitors referred to are already in the employment

of the various County Councils and are in receipt

of salaries and would he not consider making

representations to the Incorporated Law Society

with a view to preventing this overcharging on the

part o f solicitors ?

Mr. Smith : I thought I told the Deputy I was

in fact in consultation with the Incorporated Law


Mr. Hickey : I f a local authority is paying a

a salary to their legal adviser and an individual

takes a property from that particular local authority,

is it competent for the solicitor who is the legal

adviser to the local authority to do the necessary

legal work ?

An Ceann Comhairle : That is a separate question.

Mr. Smith : I think it is a different kind o f case

from the one referred to by Deputy O’Hara. He

is thinking in terms of small farmers who would

apply under the Act.





On Monday morning, 17th September, 1951,

the first session of the General Meeting o f the

American Bar Association opened and the

programme continued right through until the

following Saturday, six days as opposed to three

during Chief Justice Kennedy’s 1928 visit. Four

thousand, two hundred lawyers registered for the

week. Hear Chief Justice Kennedy once again :

“ The American Bar Association is far from being

a merely convivial or social gathering of professional

.brethren, though the foreign guest may be pardoned

for harking back with some enthusiasm to that

side o f its programme which has made for him

a brilliant and happy memory. In the crowded

ranks o f the Association are included numbers

of men of great learning and scholarship, men o f

wide and varied experience, professional, judicial,

and educational, and men in touch with every

phase o f the national life, o f men intensely concerned

with the national problems, and with the part

played by the legal profession in public affairs

and full o f eager anxiety that the profession shall

fill worthily the big public role which belongs to

it by virtue of its special training and experience.

Throughout the year many committees and com­

missions are engaged, under the authority o f the

Association, upon the examination o f innumerable

current problems, drafting Bills, framing proposals

and forming and stating opinion.

The reports

o f these many-sided activities are offered to the

Annual Convention and considered, and, in many

cases, important action is taken upon them.


cannot, within the compass o f a short article like

this, attempt to survey all the subjects.”

The programme was divided into six meetings

o f the General Assembly and approximately fifty

committee meetings during the course of the week.

The documentation included a miniature newspaper

published daily. I set out hereunder just a few

o f the many items discussed at committees or

on which papers were delivered during the week.

“ Public Relations and Press Releases ; Routine

Work o f Bar Association Offices ; How to Maintain

and Increase Membership in Voluntary Associations

•—Fund Raising Ideas ;

Co-ordination of Local

Bar Associations with State Associations ; Legal

Institutes ; Association Publications and Bulletins f

Proposed Commercial Code; Government Control

o f Business ; Problems o f the Business Lawyer ;

Food, Drug and Cosmetic L aw ; Discussion of

Uniform State Food, Drug and Cosmetic Laws ;

Discussion o f International Uniformity in Food,

Drug and Cosmetic Law between United Kingdom,

Canada and United States; Discussion o f Major

Drug Law Problems; Report on Proposed Uniform

Commercial Code ; The Protection of Individual

Rights and Government Security in time of stress ;

Aviation Criminal L aw ; International Criminal

Law ; Medico-Legal Examiners A c t ; Membership ;

Military and Naval Justice; Motion Pictures,

Radio Broadcasting and Comics in relation to the

Administration of Justice ; Nominating Committee;

Police Training and-Administration ;


o f Juvenile Delinquency; Procedure, Prosecution

and Defence ; Scope and Program ; Sentencing,

Probation and Parole;

Traffic and Magistrate

Courts ; The Responsibility of the Press, Radio

and Television for Fair Criminal Trials.”

In addition papers were read and discussion

ensued on. Municipal Law, Tax Law, Insurance