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come. As -companies within the Control


Manufactures Act are entitled to the benefit of

the 5 per cent, rate, by reference to paragraph (


o f sub-section (4) they are not affected. He also

said that almost all the companies concerned will

be private property holding companies which

normally have few shareholders, and infrequent

transfers of shares.




the Intermediate Examination for apprentices

to Solicitors held on the 1st day of June, 1949, the

following passed the examination :—•

Passed with Merit

1. Michael Lucas and John S. Wilcock.


Dermot F. Jones. 4. Francis E. A. Taylor. 5. Mary

C. C. O’Mahony. 6. Michael C. O’Driscoll. 7. T.

Finbarr O’Reilly. 8. Desmond E . M. Matthews.

9. Edward R. Rogers.

10. Donal G. Binchy.

11. Patrick J. Creagh. 12. Cahir F. Davitt. 13.

Patrick J. O’Driscoll (Jnr.) 14. James M. Cawley.

15. Joseph M. L. Dockery. 16. Daniel C. Brilley.

17. Michael Kenefick and Gerard J. Lyons. 19.

Patrick J. McCormack and James Marshall. 21.

Gerald J. M. Moloney. 22. Patrick E . Thornton.

23. MichaelD. Lambe. 24. Augustine I. Cunningham.

25. Charles P. Forde. 26. Timothy F. G. O’Toole.


Edward Joseph Barrett. Mary A. B. M. E.

Callery. Patrick Noel Downes. James McD. Kerr.

Kevin P. Loftus. Patrick O’R. Markey. Myles

C. Murphy.

Edward O’Carroll.

Patrick D.


Helena B. A. O’Doherty.


Hugh O’Doherty.

Brendan O. M. O’Reilly.

David R. Pigot. James J. Sheerin. Jasper R.

H. Swanton. Patrick L. Tracey. Brendan J. Wallace.

Fifty-two candidates entered, forty-three passed,

seven failed, two did not attend.




1 9 4 9 - ’50

Course A

Common Law (including Personal Property,

Contracts and Torts), 42 lectures delivered as

follows :—

Michaelmas Sittings— 1 2 ; Plilary Sittings—2 1 ;

Easter Sittings—9 ; Minimum attendance for credit

is Michaelmas—9 ;

Hilary— 16 ;


Lectures each Monday and Thursday at 2.15

o’clock, save where otherwise notified.

Course B

Equity and Real Property, 42 lectures delivered :

as follows :

Michaelmas Sittings— 12 ; Hilary Sittings—21 ;

Easter Sittings—9 ; Minimum attendance for credit

is Michaelmas—9 ; Hilary— 1 6 ; Easter—7. Lectures

each Tuesday and Friday at 2.15 o’clock, save

where otherwise notified.

Course C

Conveyancing (18 lectures, o f which at least

14 must be attended); General practice o f a soli­

citor’s office (20 lectures, o f which at least 15

must be attended) and the rights, duties and

responsibilities o f solicitors (4 lectures, o f which

at least three must be attended).

Lectures will be delivered as follow s:—

Michaelmas Sittings— 12 ; Hilary Sittings—21 ;

Easter Sittings—9.

Lectures on Monday and

Wednesday at 3.30 o’clock, save where otherwise


For a selection o f recommended reading see

the published syllabus for the Intermediate and

Final Examinations. The Lecturer will not neces­

sarily undertake to cover the entire field in each

subject or lecture out o f any particular text book.

He will advise the class as to its reading and will

assume that each student will have read on the

lines advised, in advance o f each lecture, on the

subject matter o f the lecture. The aim o f lectures

will be to guide students in their work and to

illustrate, explain and supplement their reading.

A written examination will be held at the end

o f each term’ s lectures.

Courses B. and C. may be attended in the same

year, but Course A. must be completed before

either Course B. or C. is commenced. An apprentice

who had on 1st October, 1948, already attended

and obtained credit for the Society’s Junior and

Senior Lectures is eligible for Course C. lectures,

but is not obliged to attend them. Every other

apprentice is obliged to take Courses A .,B . and C.

but will be allowed credit for lectures already



Section A.

Wanted Assistant, with some experience country, to manage

Branch Office, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. Articles given, if !

desired, to suitable applicant. Protestant. Apply, Greer

Hamilton & Gailey, Solicitors, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim.

Section C


h e

partnership hitherto carried on by









Solicitor, and






Solicitor, under the title of

McGahon & Woods, Solicitors, 18 Francis Street, Dundalk,

is being dissolved as from the 1st July, 1949. Each partner

will henceforth carry on business on his own account, Mr.

Woods at 18 Francis Street, Dundalk, and at Carlingford,

Co. Louth ; and Mr. McGahon 14 Francis Street, Dundalk,