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i95i- Marshall—The Assignment o f Choses—In—

Action, 1950. Miley and King—Town and Regional

Planning Law in Ireland, 1951.

Modern Law

Review (as from January, 1951). Morton—Report

on Law of Intestate Succession, 1951. Mumford—

Guide to juvenile Court Law, 1950. Munkman—

The Law o f Quasi-Contracts, 1950.


University o f Ireland Calendar, 1950. O’Sullivan—

The Inheritance of the Common Law, 1951. Owen—

Law relating to Weights and Measures, 1947.

O’Neill’s—-Who’s Who and Industrial Directory

ot Ireland, 1951. Parry—British Nationality, 1951.

Patton—Affiliation Orders in Northern Ireland,

1925. Payne—Carriage of Goods by sea, 5th

edition, 1949. Philips—Proving a Will, 1949.

Phipson—Manual o f Law of Evidence, 7th edition,

1950. Piesse and Smith—The Elements o f Drafting,


Pollock—County Court Notebook, 4th

edition, 1951.

Potter—History o f Equity and

Its Courts, 19 31. Potter—Introduction to History

o f English Law, 1923. Preston and Colinvaux—

The Law o f Insurance, 1950. Rayden on Divorce—

Two Supplements to 5th edition, 1951. Redgrave—

Factories and Truck Acts, 17th edition and supple­

ment, 1951.

Ridges—Constitutional Law, 8th

edition, 1950.

Robinson—Conveyancing Costs,

19 31.

Robinson—Costs in Arbitration, 1950.

Robinson—Probate and Adminstration Costs, 1951.

Russell—Treatise on Crime, 7 vols, 10th edition,


Samuels and Pollard—Industrial Injuries,


Salmond on Torts— 10th edition, 1943.

Sandes—Criminal Law and Procedure in Eire, 3rd

edition, 1951. Schwarzenberger—Manual o f Inter­

national Law, 1950.

Scottish Law List, 1951.

Seaborne—Law of Vendors and Purchasers, 9th

edition, 1926.

Shawcross and Beaumont—Air

Law, 2nd edition, 1951. Statesman’ s Year Book,

1951. Stone—Law and Its Administration, 19 15.

Stone—The Province and Function o f Law, 1950.

Strahan—Law of Mortgages, 3rd edition, 1925.

Strahan and Oldham—Law o f Partnerships, 1921.

Sutton and Shannon—Law o f Contracts, 4th

edition, 1949. Theobald on Wills— 10th edition,


Thorn’s Directory, 1950.


Points for Criminal Procedure, 1950. Treagus and

Rainbiro—Butterworth’s Treatise on Costs, 2 vols.,


Tristam and Coote—Probate Practice,

3rd Cumulative Supplement, 1951. Ulster Year

Book, 1930. Underhill—Law of Trusts and Trustees

—roth edition, 1950. Underhill—Law o f Torts,

1 6th edition, 1949. University College, Dublin,

Calendar, 1951-52. White (T. Blanco)—Copyright,

1949. White (T. BIanco)-CPatents and Registered

Designs, 1950. Whitaker’s Almanack, 1952. Who’s

Who, 1951. Winter—Children and Young Persons

under' the Law, 1949.

Williams (Glanville)—

Joint Torts and Contributory Negligence, 1951.


(Glanville) (ed)—Law

Reform : a

Symposium, 1951. Winfield—Textbook o f Law

o f Torts, 5th edition, 1950. Winfield—Leading

Cases in the Law o f Torts, 1948. Yearly Practice

o f Supreme Court (Red Book), 1933. Young—

Taxation Appeals.


Section A



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18 9 1 AND 1942


Folio 1669




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Registered Owner :


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e la n ey

An application has been made by the Registered

Owner to the Registrar o f Tides for the issue o f a

Certificate o f Title in substitution for the Certificate

specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged,

has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The

Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate

unless he is nodfied within 28 days from the date

o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is

still in existence and in the custody o f some person

other than the above-named Registered Owner.

Any such notification should state the grounds on

which the Certificate in question is being held.

Dated this 28th day o f February, 1952.



O ’B

y r n e


Registrar o f Tides.

Land Registry,

Central Office,

Chancery Street,



ch ed u le


r e f e r r e d


Land Certificate o f Joseph Delaney to 105a. 2r.

iqp. o f the lands o f Moanour situate in the Barony

o f Clanwilliam and County o f Tipperary, being the

lands comprised in said Folio.