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will ” and


as “ dog goodwill.” In the case o f “ cat

goodwill ” the practice o f the profession has been and

is to charge the scale fee on the whole consideration

including the value o f the goodwill. The Council

was o f the opinion that this practice is in accordance

with the law notwithstanding English decisions cited

in costs text-books. These decisions are based on

the English Solicitors’ Remuneration General Orders

the terms of which are different to those o f Solicitors’

Remuneration General Order, 1884.

Cost o f lease and building agreement

A client took a lease of a site for a long term at a

yearly rent o f £22, and entered into a contract

with a builder to build a residence on the site. The

Council were asked to express an opinion as to the

method o f calculation o f the costs of


a lease and


the building agreement. In the opinion o f the

Council (


) the costs o f the lease should be drawn

as costs o f a long lease not at a rack rent, the fee

being charged on the amount o f the rent;



charges for the building contract would be taxed

in accordance with the old method as altered by

Schedule 2 of S.R.G.O., 1884, as amended. The

scale fee applicable to a purchase could not be

charged in respect o f the building price but, in the

opinion o f the Council, a bulk fee by way o f instruc­

tion bearing some relation to the building price

might reasonably be charged in addition to the

item charges for drawing or approving of the

building agreement. The measure o f the solicitor s

liability for damages for negligence or mistake would

be the amount expended by the client and the item

charges alone would not remunerate the solicitor

for this responsibility.

Mortgage. Costs o f solicitor for mortgagor

and purchaser.



Council considered and adopted a report from

Committee on the following question. Where a

solicitor acts for a client who has to obtain a loan

to enable him to complete a purchase, is the

solicitor entitled to the full scale fee on the mortgage

as well as the scale fee on the puchase price o f the

premises ? The Committee was o f the opinion

that the solicitor for the mortgagor is entitled to

the scale fee on the purchase and the scale fee

on the mortgage. It would not however be

undercutting to make a reasonable reduction in the

amount o f the mortgagor’ s solicitor’ s scale fee having

regard to the fact that the purchase and mortgage

are contemporaneous.

13TH M


, 1952. T


President in the Chair.

Also present: Messrs. Desmond R. Counahan,

and Gerald J. O’Donnell, Vice-Presidents, William

J . Norman, Derrick M. Martin, James J.

O’Connor, Ralph J. Walker, John J. Sheil,

Patrick R. Boyd, Francis J. Lanigan, John J.

Nash, John B. McCann, John R. Halpin, James

R. Quirke, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Thomas A. O’Reilly,

Cuthbert J. Furlong, Maurice M. Power, John

Maher, Dermot P. Shaw, Joseph Barrett, John

Carrigan, Reginald J. Nolan, George G. Overend,

Patrick F. O ’Reilly.

New Member o f the Council


h e

President welcomed Mr. John Maher

w h o

came on the Council in place of the late Mr. William

S. Huggard.

The following was among the business trans­

acted :—

Solicitors’ Remuneration Land Registration

Rules, 1937, as amended.

On a report from a committee it was decided to

apply to the Land Registration Rules Committee

for the following amendments to the rules :—


Item charges under the old system as altered

by Schedule


should be increased by 55 per­

cent. over the prewar scale instead o f the

present increase o f 33J per cent.



Rule 1 1 S.R.G.O., 1884, should be rescinded

in its application to registered land.


Provisions similar to those o f S.R.G.O., 1951,

should be made in regard to a lease o f

registered land at a rack rent.


The scale fee on sales and purchases o f

registered land where equities have not been

discharged should be a flat rate o f 4 per cent,

on the purchase money instead o f the present

rate o f 4 per cent, on the first £1,000 descend­

ing to 15 /- per cent, on the portion o f the

purchase price exceeding


The scale

fee on sales and purchases of registered land,

equities discharged, should be on a flat rate

o f 3 per cent, on the purchase money instead

o f the present sliding scale o f 2 per cent, on

the first


to 7 /6d. per cent, on the

portion o f the purchase price exceeding


The Secretary was directed to prepare the sub­


Formation o f limited companies. Respective

functions o f solicitor and accountant.


h e

Council considered the following circular

letter from the Institute o f Chartered Accountants

proposed to be sent by the Institute to its members:—

“ The Council has had under consideration the