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The Committee recommended that the Society

should write to the Minister for Lands pointing out

the effect o f Section 15 (1) o f the Act in the cases

mentioned, and that it should be repealed on the

ground that it impedes the housing programme.

The report was adopted.

Search Fees


m e m b e r

sought the opinion o f the Council in the

following matter:—In 1945 he purchased the

practice o f a solicitor now deceased. On taking

over the practice he found a large accumulation of

original and other documents. There was neither a

deed book nor schedule o f documents. The solicitor

has been asked to hand over documents to various

clients, and has asked for a search fee o f 3 guineas.

The solicitor submitted that in view o f the onorous

nature o f the work, Opinion 90 does not apply, and

that he is entitled to charge a search fee in any case

where the documents or information required are

not readily accessible. In the opinion o f the Council,

Opinion 90 applies to the facts o f this case. The

solicitor is in no different position than the solicitor

from whom he purchased the practice, and he

is under the same obligation to the vendor’ s clients.

Valuable documents should be handed over on

request without payment o f any search fee.

Section 55 o f the Workmens’ Compensation

Act, 1945



Council considered a letter from a member

referring to Section 55 o f the Workmens’ Compens­

ation Act, 1934, which empowers the County

Registrar to refer agreements to the Court if he is not

satisfied- that the amount is adequate. He suggested

that this power should be restricted to commutation

agreements made under Section 50, and that the

County Registrar should not have power to refer

agreements under Section 51 to the Court where the

workman is professionally represented. He said

that the questioning o f the amount which a solicitor

has advised his client to accept is a reflection on the

workman’s solicitor, and that the profession should

endeavour to have the Act amended.

The Council considered that as the procedure in

regard to the registration o f Workmens Compens­

ation agreements is set out in Section 55 o f the

Workmens Compensation Act, 1934. it is unlikely

that the Government would agree to amend the

section on representations from the Society.

Costs under the Small Dwellings (Acquis­

ition) Act, 1899



Secretary read three resolutions submitted by

the association o f solicitors to local authorities.

The matter was referred to a Committee for con­

sideration and report.

Messengers’ Joint Labour Committee



Secretary reported that he had received a copy

o f the draft establishment order o f the Messengers’

Joint Labour Committee which would apply to

messengers in the employment o f solicitors, already

covered by the Law Clerks’ Joint Labour Com­

mittee, and that the draft order would be considered

on April 28th. Ordered that the Secretary should

attend the Labour Court on behalf o f the Society

and object to the inclusion o f any employees of

solicitors in the new Establishment Order.

Erne Hydro-Electric Scheme



Secretary reported that he had been informed

by the Attorneyr-General, Mr. Lavery, S.C., that the

Government and the Government o f Northern

Ireland proposed to introduce legislation in regard

to the Scheme which will contain a section enabling

Northern Ireland solicitors to appear before arbi­

trators in Dublin, and solicitors o f the Courts of

Justice to appear before arbitrators in Belfast, and

that the Attorney-General wished to know whether

the Council had any objection to the proposed legis­

lation in so far as it would enable a Northern Ireland

solicitor, not duly qualified, to practice in the

Twenty-Six Counties. It was resolved that the

Secretary should inform the Attorney-General that

the Council have no objection to the legislation on a

mutual basis on the understanding that the rights of

solicitors admitted through diis Society to practice

in Northern Ireland, are co-extensive with the rights

o f Northern Ireland solicitors to practice in the

Twenty-Six Counties for the limited purpose o f the


Application under Section 47



application under Section 47 was considered

and granted on payment o f the current licence duty.




, 1950. The President in the Chair. Also

present: Messrs. Thomas A . O ’Reilly, Vice-

President ; Joseph Barrett, James J . O’Connor,

G. A. Overend, Daniel O’Connell, James R. Quirke,

Desmond J . Mayne, John P. Carringan, Arthur Cox.

Examination Results



Council considered and adopted a report from

the Court o f Examiners on the results o f the Final

Examination held in April. The examination

results are printed below.