We
have
given
no
special
receipts
for
plain
beef,
tongue,
ham,
chicken,
turkey,
capon
or
any
meat
sandwiches,
for
if
made
according
to
general
direc-
tions
they
will
each
and
all
be
found
appetizing
and
acceptable.
We
would
say,
it
is
better
to
sprinkle
the
season-
ing
of
pepper
and
salt
on
the
buttered
bread
rather
than
on
the
meat,
and
all
gristle
and
fat
must
be
removed,
the
meat
thinly
sliced
and
but
one
layer
used.
We
would
also
recommend
that
Graham
bread
be
used
with
all
fish
sandwiches.
Never
attempt
to
cut
sandwiches
with
any
but
the
sharpest
of
sharp
knives.