T he
USO Infield gather around for a quick
conference on their performance
be the same as last
aseball at USD will
year, very youthful.
Most players re–
turning are sophomores
or Juniors. The exception
is they bring a strong team
up to the plate, regardless
of their youth.
James Ferguson is the
only starting pitcher re–
turning this year. He is
Joined on the mound with
Pat Crema. Tom Cheek
will be moved from a relief
position to starting pitcher
as well. Other pitchers for
the season include Glenn
Vannatta, Marc Bouchard,
Kevin Herde, Mike Austin,
Pete Schoen, Chris Col–
lins, and Sean Durbin.
Experience will be the
key in the infield. Rick
Doane, one of last years
team leaders in hitting
runs, returns as the back–
bone at first base. Dave
Pingree will anchor at
third. Tom Cheek and Jim
Keen will share second
when Tom Cheek is not
pitching. Chad Boyd will
return at shortstop. Tony
Moeder, Josh Stepner,
Dan McAdoo, and Devin
Bundy will provide the
strength in the outfield.
Sean Gousha will catch for
the Toreros where last
year he started 50 of the
52 games.
Starting the season a
tle sluggish, the Toreros
will make their mark in the
league. If the pitching
comes through, and the
experienced players play
to form, this year could
bring home a title for the
John Fenn brining In a run as the
opposing catcher watches In dismay.
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