Club membership Includes: Barbara
Allen, Waleed Bahakeem, Mary Bleecker,
Robert Boemer, Mike Buckley, Chris Dam–
mert, Tarek Derbas, Mike Duenas, Stirling
Duguldo, ,Dan r:ttllch, Garry Frocklage,
Jorge Geremia, Oreg Oerr1tz, Jack auntly,
Hallu, Bobbi Hammack, Doug Harder,
Paul Haslam, Michelle Helfert, Michael Hen–
ry, Olen Hickok, Don Jenkins,
shl, Kelly Kvamme, Mauricio Lopez-Ho–
doyan, r:r1c Malek, Mike Malone, Anthony
Massa, carlos Montanez, Ron Monteher–
moso. Danial Nguyen, Richard Nguyen,
Chris Norberg, Oreg Norombaba (Presi–
dent), Rolando Ogot, Jim Onstad, Marla
Paras, Dominic Pimentel, Roy Raphael,
Keith Resch, Adriana Robles, Barbara
Roder. Jose Sanchez, Michael Sarmiento,
Mike Shultz, Fred Slmanek, Peter Simonsen,
John Slaney, Lisa Smith. Pete Rajalle, Jeff
Thompson, Phuc Tran, Cliff Verity, Nichol
Wallace. Amelia Walters, Michael White, Ml·
chaella Wright. and Jeff Yee.
Communications Club Roster not available.
membership includes:
Chuck Ayash, Rob Berry, Pat Bradlely, Mar–
ietta calugay, James Frazee, Kristin frost.
Rowena Orospe, Al Linh Huynh, Al lngallln–
era (President), Burton Johnson. Oreg Lib–
by, Chris McNulty, Chris Lissen, Jeff Prekker,
William Quah, Laura Rhyne. Mike Ritzman.
Ken SChmltt, Tamara Tuite. Hele
and Melissa Vitale.
M embers
of the Laissez-faire Club enjoy
a lazy day at the beach.