D elta
Sigma Pl Pledge Party Boat Cruise.
Passport to
& A members discuss the upcoming
meeting In front of Olln Hall, their meeUng
Delta Sigma Pi
elta Sigma Pi was a fraterni–
ty for men and women. The
fraternity emphasized all
aspects ofbusiness. Social,
business, and community service
were important goals of Delta Sig–
ma Pi. Delta Sigma Pi was a large
had over 70 members.
Just this year 45 USD students
were initiated. The fraternity pro–
vided an outlet of learning besides
the classroom. The group had var–
ious speakers throughout the
year. They had a speaker from
Stanford, and their advisor spoke
to them about Global Economy.
Sacred Heart
he Sacred Heart Associ–
ation was established to
promote the beliefs and
traditions of Sacred Heart
education. In order to be a part of
this association you or your par–
ents must have attended a Sacred
Heart institution. The members
join with alumni to continue the
spirit of Sacred Heart.
mertcan Marketing Associ–
ation provided a link between
USO and the San Diego busi–
ness community. This club was open
to any student with the theory In mind
that whatever business you pursue
you will have to market yourself. This
club Informed students of various as–
pects of the marketing field.
Some of the events this year have
included speakers, social events and
their national convention. AMA speak–
ers have included the accounting re–
presentative and marketing coordina–
tor of channel .39, employees of Xe–
rox, and entrepreneurs.