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Speak Out

August 2017

There were 151 titles nominated for the Speech Pathology Australia

Book of the Year Awards in 2017. All of those books have now been

shortlisted. A complete list of all the shortlisted books in the five

categories is available from the Association’s website.

The books are judged in five separate categories: Birth to 3 years; 3 to

5 years; 5 to 8 years; 8 to 10 years; and Indigenous Children.

The Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards are now in

their fourteenth year.

The awards would not be possible without the ongoing support of

Australian publishers and the authors of children’s books. Just as

importantly, the awards only remain viable and feasible because of the

time and effort of Association members who volunteer as shortlisters

and judges.

A very big thank you must therefore go to our shortlisters: Claire

Monsour (3 to 5 years), Alexandra Cole (5 to 8 years), and Loretta

Blackall (8 to 10 years), for their fabulous job in shortlisting the 131

books nominated in their three categories! A staggering number of

books in these three popular categories

The baton has now passed to the judges who are currently reading all

the books shortlisted in the five categories. Again, a huge thank you

to all those members who undertake the duties of being a Book of the

Year judge.

The winners in all five categories will be announced on Thursday

2 November. As in 2016, the awards ceremony is being hosted in

Brisbane by the State Library of Queensland.


hosts Speech

Pathology Week to create awareness of those in our community

who have a communication or swallowing difficulty. This year the

theme is Communication access – Everyone gets the message!

In 2016, the Association undertook the S

peech Pathology 2030

– making futures happen

project to develop a shared aspirational

vision for the future of speech pathology in Australia. The vision

outlined in the project’s final report is organised around eight core

aspirations. One of these eight aspirations is: Communication

Accessible Communities.

This aspiration forms the backdrop for this year’s Speech

Pathology Week theme.

Successful communication is a two-way process and is

dependent on the skills of both parties. Through building

communication accessibility, the Association will ensure that

everyone is treated with dignity and respect, communication

partners are skilled listeners and talkers, and that other methods

of communicating are understood, and if required, their use


Speech Pathology Week will help to build community

understanding about communication accessibility, and educate

people about communication difficulties and their causes as well

as how to support communication in day-to-day life. This will help

contribute to develop better, and wider understanding of the role

of speech pathology in assisting communication access, as well

as supporting the individual needs of people with communication


As in previous years, individual Speech Pathology Week kits have

been made available and have been distributed to around 300

Association members who registered to receive them. In addition,

larger kits have been sent to the Association’s seven Branches.

Campaign material is also available for downloading from the

Association’s website.

Finally, members can help promote Speech Pathology Week

through social media. Take a photograph of your Speech

Pathology Week activity or involvement and post it on Instagram

or Twitter. Remember to include the Association’s handle

@SpeechPathAus and/or the hashtag #SPWeek. Photographs

can also be sent to Association’s National Office for use in

publications and social media. Please make sure you have the

permission of everyone in the photographs before you send them

to the Association

Book of the Year –

Shortlisted books


Birth to 3 years category

Lisa Ey

Natasha Trajkovski

Lyn Goodwin

Melissa Hughes

Sharon Smart

Nisrine El-Choueifati

Meryl Lai Kong Ling

Rebecca Star

3 to 5 years category

Jacqui Collins

Michelle Petersen

Arlen Oliver

Jeanie Welch

Inge Gaudin

Samantha White

Angela Canning

Lindsay Potgieter

5 to 8 years category

Danielle Ryan

Lauren Haskins

Alinka Krol

Olivia MacGinley

Le En Cheryl Ye

Jenny Hill

Pam Reed

Anna Gilmour

8 to 10 years category

Narelle Ryan

Honnie Joan Lonsdale

Jacqui Hanna

Christine Beal

Kerrin McKeown

Lauren Scott

Melissa Lovell

Alexandra Sevdalis-Fallaw

Indigenous Children


Janice Zee

Jaimee Dutton

Rebecca Reinking

Olivia Watchman

Tanya Druce

Erin Coonan

Alexandria Trichilo

Kate Sharma

Speech Pathology Week 2017

Communication access –

Everyone gets the message!

Thank you to the 2017 judges…

See the full list of shortlisted books on the SPA website.