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August 2017

Speak Out


The consumer panel (pictured above); also conducted at the

2016 conference in Perth was a valuable addition to the program,

so the 2017 CPC worked to include this special session in the

busy program again this year. Presenters on the panel came from

diverse backgrounds and shared their stories about their journey

and experiences of speech pathology services. The 2017 CPC

would like to sincerely thank the panellists – Wallace Clark, Jim

Egan, Caitlin Hall, Henry Harding, Tansy Mayhew, John Steggles,

Alison Vella and Rachel Vella. Special thanks to Brigid Kitchin for

expertly conducting the panel session, Dr Andy Smidt for her

oversight of the session preparation and to Cathie Matthews,

Chrissy Edwards and Fiona Littlejohn for helping us to include the

voices of rural and remote consumers.

Pep talks and posters (ePosters)

The response to the 2017 Call for Papers almost doubled that

received in previous years and as it was not possible to accept

all submissions, the CPC, rather than reject many, found an

innovative way (in line with the conference theme) to include as

many as possible. This was as a Presented ePoster (PeP) Talk.

The CPC modified the types of sessions on offer so they could

keep concepts together and give more time to the best quality

papers (as judged by two independent reviewers). PeP Talk

presenters were given three minutes (included within a conference

session) to present their work. This format was very well received

by the PeP Talk presenters and conference delegates.

The 2017 CPC also decided to introduce ePosters instead of the

traditional posters displayed on a board. ePosters were available

for view on large monitors in the exhibition hall, or alternatively

delegates could view them at leisure on the Conference app.

Congratulations to all authors on the high calibre of the work

presented. However, a special congratulations goes to the Best

Pep Poster Award prize winners – ‘Fast mapping and word

learning in children with developmental language disorder –

Exploring the impact of increased exposures to a new word’ -

Stephanie Sullivan, Suze Leitao, Mary Claessen; ‘Unheard voices:

The patient experience of people with communication disability’

Robyn O’Halloran, Madeline Cruice, Kathryn McKinley, Bronwyn

Davidson, Jacinta Douglas, Chris Bigby; and the Best Poster

Award prize winners ‘Cocktail party effect in alaryngeal speech

of Cantonese’ – Manwa Ng, C. K. Tsang, Ka Man Karen Yu;

and ‘The role of speech-language pathologists in food services:

A survey’ – Kate Swan, Rachel Wenke, Marie Hopper, Melissa


Best student presentation award

This year the CPC would like to congratulate Eleanor Sugden for

her presentation ‘The value of home practice for speech sound

disorders: What do parents think?’

Conference app

The Conference app was popular this year. Delegates were able

to view the sessions, speakers, their bio, social events, ePosters,

exhibitors and keynote speaker handouts. The CPC enjoyed

seeing so many delegates tweeting about sessions and making

contact with others at the conference and they would like to thank

Colleen Moloney, Rebecca David, Lisa Petrov and Rebecca Faltyn

for doing a great job to produce the app.


Many delegates took the opportunity to register, enjoy a cocktail

and catch up with friends and colleagues while visiting the

exhibitors’ stands.

Welcome reception Luna Park

What a way to welcome delegates to Sydney and to the 2017

SPA conference! With Vivid Sydney Festival in bright, full swing

delegates were treated to some of the most spectacular views of

the city and the harbour. Delegates also indulged in some frivolity,

enjoying rides on the famous ferris wheel, the nostalgic carousel

and the adrenaline-pumping dodgem cars. Delegates all left with

grins as large as the famous Luna Park smile!

Delegates who had entered

the Bridge Climb gift

voucher competition went

into the draw and the lucky

winner was Yogeshni Rao

(pictured right). We hope

she enjoyed the view.

Annual general meeting

Congratulations to all the deserving award winners announced at

the AGM. It is always a wonderful occasion to share the amazing

achievements of our colleagues. To those recipients of awards,

our most sincere congratulations.

Conference proceedings

Under the co-editorship of Dr Kate Crowe, Dr Sarah Masso and

Suzanne Hopf, the keynote presentations and selected research

papers will comprise the Conference Proceedings to be published

in the

International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


The special issue is the third issue each year. The papers from

the 2017 conference will appear in the 2018 Volume 20 Issue

3; articles will appear early online as soon as they have been

