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Ansell, Grimm & Aaron, PC
Questions answered by David J. Byrne, Esq.
nsell Grimm & Aaron, PC has been dedicated to
providing excellent legal representation, zealous
advocacy, and skilled legal advice to our diverse
clientele for more than 85 years. Over the years we have
been fortunate to count among our ranks a Justice of the
New Jersey Supreme Court and the presiding Judge of the
Criminal Court for the Monmouth Vicinage of the Superior
Court of New Jersey, the Majority leader of the State
Senate and an adjunct law professor at Yale University.
Our attorneys all practice with a common philosophy...a
commitment to excellence and a commitment to people.
AGA attorneys practice in a broad spectrum of legal fields
including community association, condominium and co-op
law, family law, commercial & residential real estate, litiga-
tion, bankruptcy, land use, creditors’ rights, wills, trusts and
estates, personal injury/medical malpractice, municipal
court defense and criminal defense. We welcome the
opportunity to expand the firm’s clientele.
What is your role in the organization? What is
your background? How long have you been
in the industry?
I am a partner of AGA, and chair of the firm’s community
association group, as well as its condominium & co-op
group. I have been representing condominiums, HOAs,
Courtesy CAI-NJ.
co-ops along with others connected to the overall planned
unit development industry and/or community uninterrupted
for more than 22 years. I provide clients with a full range
of legal advice and services including the drafting and
negotiation of service contracts, rules and regulations and
alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”), collections and delin-
quent assessments, transition negotiations with developers
and/or sponsors, construction defect litigation, municipal
services and relations, fair housing compliance, restrictive
covenant enforcement and interpretation, litigation-related
services, governance, creation and amendment of govern-
ing documents and the fiduciary duties of board members.
Is there a specific project or program that you
would like to highlight? Please describe.
We are particularly proud of our “smart” assessment and
maintenance fee management and recovery program. This
program recognizes the unmistakable truth understood by
every community association board – every owner must
pay each assessment, and pay it on time, or they place the
plans and hopes of the community in jeopardy. Our “smart
collections” program rejects clerical- and/or paraprofes-
sional-driven collection efforts as those efforts ignore the
importance of unpaid assessments. We appreciate how
crucial the payment of assessments and maintenance fees
are. We appreciate the difficulties faced by communities
and buildings ravaged by widespread arrearages, bank-
ruptcies, foreclosures, and abandoned homes and units.
That appreciation allows us to use a more efficient, modern
and cost-effective approach to the difficulties. Our program
depends upon total transparency, as well as attorneys that
work side-by-side with boards and managers to devise
strategies tailored to the particular situations, arrearages
and/or disputes presented We consider every strategy -–
always with the client’s financial position in mind – whether
it be negotiation, monitoring, settlement, money judgment,
foreclosure, seizure of ‘surrendered’ units, generating reve-
nue from rentals and/or rent receiverships. That is all done