Melexis highly-
integrated RF
The Melexis MLX73290-M modern
RF transceiver provides a solution
that works well with wide carrier
frequency tolerances. Fig. 3
shows the block diagram of the
MLX73290-M. As can be seen, a
significant part of the device is
digitally-based, this is shown in the
grey-shaded box.
The MLX73290-M is a multi-channel
RF transceiver IC that draws on the
long-established technical expertise
of Melexis in low power wireless
implementation. Addressing the
sub-GHz ISM bands from 300MHz
through to 960MHz, the product
delivers two RF channels, each
with a programmable RF power
transmitter (with power detectors)
and a highly sensitive RF receiver. It
is fully programmable via its serial
peripheral interface (SPI).
This IC is highly suited to sub-GHz
wireless applications like home/
building automation, tire pressure
monitoring (TPMS), automatic
meter reading (AMR), alarm
systems, passive keyless entry
(PKE), medical diagnostics and
telemetry. Its output power level
ranges from -20dBm to 13dBm in
64 steps while its receiver sensitivity
can attain -120dBm in a 15kHz
bandwidth. With a maximum data
rate of 250kbps, the transceiver is
also capable of handling heightened
data throughputs. Due to the
high degree of programmability,
engineers employing this IC are
presented with plenty of scope
when it comes to configuring
and implementing an RF front-
end. A wide variety of different
RF parameters can be adjusted
(number of channels, frequency
resolution, output, frequency
deviation, etc.), in order to satisfy
specific application criteria. On-off
keying (OOK), binary frequency
shift keying (FSK), minimum shift
keying (MSK), Gaussian minimum
shift keying (GMSK) and Gaussian
frequency shift keying (GFSK)
Fig. 3: MLX73290-M block diagram
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