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Linear Technology (Israel) Ltd.

Ran Shipperman 054-9901021

www. l

Koby Galberg 054-5206351

Meir Mardechayev 054-5206334

Phone: 09-7780


Harsh Environment Sensor to Cloud

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation

Solution –

based on

SmartMesh IP

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP

Wireless Network

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-b

ased solution tha t drastically reduc


th cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensi g and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.

§  True Plug-and-Play sen

sor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data



info@versasense. com

VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegberg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium


 Libraries for multiple languages.

§  Full access to y

our devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.


icroPnP: Plug-a nd-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total c

ost of ownership fo

r industrial sensing and

control systems

. The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™

embedded wireless mesh networking

from Linear

Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the

Programming Language

of Y

our Choice

• >99.999% network reliability

• Ultra-low power consumption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption

• Extensible, self-healing mesh

• Standard

s-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH and 6LoWPA


• True Plug-and-Play sensor integration

• Automatic device driver installation

• Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

• Over 20 existing sensor types a


• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data


• Libraries for multiple lan


• Full access to your devices using

IETF CoAP and IPSO data model

• Sensing control logic may run

anywhere, from your local network

to the Cloud

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networki


Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically redu

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems


award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and cont

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduc

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.

§  Extensible, self-healing me



 Standards- ased: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSC

H and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open inte ration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

§  Over 20 exi

sting sensor types availabl

§  Standards-b

ased: IETF

CoAP and IPSO All


ance data model.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Ne worki g

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation P o


VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of own rship for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-b

ased solution tha

t drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low p wer consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver i



 Open integration with all

sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and

actuation projects.

What can VersaSense do for your business?


g-distance Pipeline Monitoring

Precision Animal Farm


MicroPnP evices monitor long distance

chemical p

ipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


for leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extremely reliable and extensible mesh that

can ext

end to cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on a single


MicroPnP provides real-time m

onitoring of

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Sol

Smar Me h IP

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP

Wireless Network

Li ear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configuration Wirele

Actuation Prod

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensi

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game cha

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based

th cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireles



% network reliabil




 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.



ensible, self-heali

ng mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Pl



§  Open




 Over 2





VersaSense NV/SA, Kro


 Libraries for multiple langu



 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from you local network to the Clou .



Rich PIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total cost of own

control systems

. The award winning MicroPnP product l

ine, based on Smar


Mesh IP™ embedde

d wirel

Technology, is a game chang r for th sensing and control marketpla e. MicroPnP provides a standards-bas

the c st of acquiring, building, and operating wireles sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuatio



of Yo

• >99.999% network reliability

• Ultra-low power consumption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption

• Extensible, self healing mesh

• Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN

• True Plug-and-Play sensor integration

• Automatic device driver installation

• Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc. • Over 20 existing sensor types a


• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance dat model

• Librar

• Full ac



• Sensi


to the

Lin ar Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configuration Wir

A tuation Pr

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things

the total cost of ownership for industrial s


winning MicroP

nP product line is a game

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-ba

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wir


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.

§  NIST-certified 128-bit AES



 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.














Libraries or mult


ple languages.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of

Your Choice

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Ne working

Zero-Configuration Wireles

Actuation P odu

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) pr

the total cost of ownership f r industrial sensing

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game change

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based sol

the cost of ac

quiring, building,


nd operating wire

less se



% network reliabil



 Ul ra-low p wer consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-




 Open integ

Analog, I2


 Over 20 ex




lian VersaSense N

V/SA, Kroegbe


 Libraries for multiple langua es.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control l gic may run anywh e,

from your local network to the Cloud.



Rich PIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

Case Studies

Energy Conservation

Long-Distance Pipeline Monitoring

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custo

m sensing and

MicroPnP Ca

VersaSense works with customers t

actuation project


. What can Versa Lon

g-distance Pipel

Precision Anim

MicroPnP evices monitor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


for leaks, accidents or t mpering The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extremely r liable a

nd extensible mesh th


can extend to cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on a single


MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of

livestock. Efficiency is enhanced through

plug-and-play sensors and actuators that

install in minu

tes to provide

live, high-

resolution da

ta on animal conditions

including fe ed consumptio n, water use,

temperature, humidity, air quality and

ireless Sensing and Actuation Solution – based on

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

th co t of acquiri g, building, and operating wireless sensi g and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor typ s available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegberg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroP P: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and

croPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™

embedded wireless mesh networking

from Linear

sing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

ting wireless sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the

Programming Language

of Your Choice


• True Plug-and-Play sensor integration

• Automatic device driver installation

• Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

• Over 20 existing sensor types available

• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model

• Libraries for multiple languages

• Full access to your devices using

IETF CoAP and IPSO data model

• Sensing control log c m y run

anywhere, from your local network

to the Cloud

Linear T chnology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configurati n Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution tha drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standa - ased: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic evice driv r installation.


 Open integratio with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20

existing sensor types availa


§  Standa

rds-based: IETF CoAP and



ance data model.


 Libraries for

multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


Sensing control logic may

run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming


age of Your Choi


Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networki g

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation P oducts

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of own rship f r industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low p wer consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegberg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run a


from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

Energy Conservation from the Home

to the Data Center


nP devices are being applied in energy management use

cases that range from home energy profiling to data center

optimization. Plug-and-play





custom sensing a


o for your business?



MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom ensing and

actuation projects.

Wh t can VersaSense do for your business?

Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring

Precision Animal F



Energy Conservation from the Home to the Data Center

MicroPnP devices monitor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


for leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extremely reliable and extensible mesh that

can extend to cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on a single


MicroPnP provides real-time m

onitoring of

livestock. Efficiency is enhanced through

plug-and-play sensors and actuators that

install in minutes to provide

live, high-


ution data on anim

al conditions


ng feed consumptio n, water use,

temperature, humidity, air quality and


MicroPnP devices are being applied in

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Solution – based on

SmartMesh IP

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP

Wireless Network

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegberg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic m y run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs f r the Programming

Language of Your Choice

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and

control systems

. The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™

embedded wireless mesh networking

from Linear

Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the

Programming Language

of Your Choice

• >99.999% network reliability

• Ultra-low power consumption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certifie 128-bit AES encryption

• Extensible, self-healing me h

• Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN

• True Plug-and-Play sensor integration

• Automatic device driver installation

• Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

• Over 20 existing sensor types available

• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model

• Libraries for multiple la guages

• Full access to your devices using

IETF CoAP and IPSO data model

• Sensing control logic may run

anywhere, from your local network

to the Cloud

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing an

Actuation Products

VersaS se creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically r

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control system

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically re

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control syst


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integra


 Automatic device driver installatio


 Op n i tegration with all sensor ty

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types avai


 Standard -ba ed: IETF CoAP and



ance data model.


VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegberg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgiu


 Libraries for multiple languag s.


 Full ac ess to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 S nsing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Pla

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Ne worki g

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of own rs ip f r industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game changer for the sensing and control

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low p wer consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existing sensor types available.


 Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.

| info@vers sens .com

VersaSense NV/SA, Kroegb rg 3, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic m y run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cl ud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

Case Studies

Energy Conservation from the Home

to the Data Center

MicroPnP devices are being applied in e ergy management use

cases that range from home energy profiling to data center

optimization. Plug-and-play

sensors ar used to provid a

detailed understanding

of energy

flow in the environmen along with


ring of appliance power


mption. Plug-and-play

actuators allow for automatic

control of devices.

Long-Distance Pipeline Monitori g

MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines,

providing precision monitoring

of infrastructure and real time

alerts for leaks, accidents or

tampering. Th MicroPnP mesh

network provides an extremely

reliable and exten ible mesh

that can extend to cover huge

distances, while operating for up

to a decade on a single battery.

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and

actuation projects.

What can VersaSense do for your business?

Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring

Precision Animal F

arming Energy Con

servation from the Home to the Data Cent r

MicroPnP devices monitor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


or leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extrem ly reliable and xtensible mesh that

can extend t cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on a single


MicroPnP provides real-time

monitoring of

livest c . Efficiency is enhanced through

plug-and-play sensors and actuators that

install in minutes to provide

live, high-


esolution data on an

imal conditions


cluding feed consump tion, water use,


mperature, humidity, a ir quality and


MicroPnP devices are being applied in

energy management use cases that range

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and

actuation projects.

What can VersaSense do for your business?

Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring

Precisi n Animal Farmi g

Energy Conservation from the Home to the Data Center

MicroPnP evices monitor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


for leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extrem ly reliable and xtensible mesh that

can extend to cover huge dista ces, while

operating for up to a decade on a single


MicroPnP provides real-time m

onitoring of

livestock. Efficiency is enhanced through

plug-and-play sensors and actuators that

install in minutes to provide

live, high-

resolution data on a imal conditions

including feed consumptio

n, water use,

temperature, h midity, air quality and


MicroPnP devices are being applied in

energy mana ement use cases that range

from home energy profiling t

o data

center optimization

. Plug-and-play

sensors are used t

o provide a detailed

understanding of

energy flow in the

environment along with monitoring of

appliance pow r consump ion. Plug-and-

play actuators allow for automatic control of




VersaSense NV/SA,


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your dev ces using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 S n ing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,


• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model

to t


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.








VersaSense NV/


 Libraries for multiple languag s.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoA an IPSO at model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice


 Open int

Analog, I


 Over 20


 Sta d r



VersaSense NV/SA, Kroeg


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full acc ss to your dev ces using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

from your local netwo k to the Cloud.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice


Energy Con ervati

to the Data Center

MicroPnP devices are being a

cases that nge from home


tion. Plug -and-play


ensors ar used t

o provide a

detailed understanding of energ

flow in the environment along w

monitoring of ap

pliance po


consumption. Plug-and-play

actuators allow for automatic

co trol of devices.

nce Pipeline Monitoring

monitor long distance chemical pipelines,


nd real time

cidents or

croPnP mesh

n extremel

sibl mesh

cover huge

erating for u


ngle battery.

P Case Studies

tomers to deploy custom sensing and

n VersaSense do for your business?

e Pipeli Monitoring



eal time

ring. The

ides an

esh that

s, while

a single

Precision Ani

Energy Co servation f om t

MicroPnP devices monitor long distanc

chemical pipelines, providing


monito i g of infrastructure and real tim


for leaks, accident or tampering. Th

MicroPnP mesh network provides a

extremely reliable and extensible mesh tha

can extend to cover huge distances, whil

ope ating for up to a decade o a ingl


MicroPnP provides real-time monit ring o

livestock. Efficiency is enha ced throug

plug-and-play sensors and actuators tha

install i minutes to provide

live, high

resolution data o animal conditio

including fee cons mption, water us

temperature, humidity, air quality an


MicroPnP devices are being applied i

energy manage

ment use cases

that rang

from home energy profiling to dat

center opt imizat ion

. Plug-and-pla

s n ors are used to provid

e a detaile

understa ding of energy flow in th

environ ent along with monitoring o

appliance power consumption. Plug-a d

play actuators allow f r automatic control o


SmartMesh IP

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP

Wireless N twork

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encr ption.


 Extensible, self-heali g m sh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.








VersaSense NV/


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control logic may run anywhere,

f m your local network to the Cloud.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

VersaSense create wireless Intern t of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total cost

control systems

. The award wi ning Micr PnP product lin , based o SmartMesh IP™


Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standa

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuation

• >99.

% network reliab lity

• Ultra-low power consumption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certified 128-bit AES en rypti n

• Extensible, self-healing mesh

• Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN

• True Plug-and-Play sensor integration

• Automatic device driver installation

• Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

• Over 20 existing sensor types available

• Standard -based: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model

Linear Te hnol gy

SmartMe h IP Networking



Ve saSense creates wireless Internet of T

the total cost of ownership for indust

award winning MicroPnP product line is a

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standa

the cost of acquiring, building, and operati


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.




 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IP

SO data model.


 Sensi g control logic may run anywhere

from your local network to the Cloud.

R ch APIs for th Programming

La guage o f Your Choic


Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Ne working

the total cost of own rs ip f r industrial se

award winning MicroPnP product line is a game

marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-bas

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wirel


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year att ry lif .


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES enc yption.


 Ext nsible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-b sed: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.













www.v rsa

VersaSense NV/SA,


 Libraries for multipl languages.


 Full cc ss to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensing control log c may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

Rich APIs for the Programming

Lang age of Your Choice

Case Studies

En rgy Conserv

to the D ta Cen

MicroPnP devices are bei

cases that range from h

optimization. Plug-and-

sensors are used to prov

detailed understanding of

flow in the environ ent al

m onitoring of appliance

consumption. Plug-and-


ctuators allow for auto

control of devices.

Long-Distance Pipeline Monitoring

MicroPnP devices monitor long distance chemical pipelines,

providing precision monitoring

f inf astructure and real time

alerts for aks, accidents or

tampering. The MicroPnP mesh

network provides an extremely

reliable and extensible mesh

that can extend to cover huge

distances, while operating for up

to a decade on a single battery.

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works with customers to deploy custom sensing and

actuation projects.

What can VersaS nse do for your business?

Long-distance Pipeline Monitoring

Pr cision Animal Farming

Energy Conservation from the Home to the Data Cent r

MicroPnP devices mo itor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing


monitoring of infrastructure and real time


f r leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

xtremely reliable and extensible mesh that

can exte d to cov r huge distances, while

operating for up to a dec de on a sin le


MicroPnP provi

des real-time monitoring of

livestock. Effici en cy is enhanced th


plug-and-play sensors and actuators that

install in minutes to provide

live, high-

resolution data on animal conditions

including feed consumption, water us ,

t mp rature, humidity, air qua

lity and


MicroPnP devices are being applied in

energy management use cases that rang


VersaSense works with custo

actuation projects.

What can



Energy Conservation fro

MicroPnP evices monitor long dis

chemical pipelines, p oviding


monito ing of infrastructure and rea


for leaks, accidents or tamperin

MicroPnP mesh network provide

extremely reliable and extensible mes

can extend to cover huge distances,

operating for up to a decade on a

batte y.

MicroPnP provides real-time monitori

livesto k. Efficienc is enhanced th

plug-and-play sensors and actuator

i stall in minutes to provide


resolution data on anima

l condi

includi g feed consumption, water

temperature, humidity, air quality


MicroPnP evices are being appli

en rgy management use cas s hat

from home energy profiling to

center opt mization

. Plug-and

sensors are used to provide a de

understanding of energy flow i

nvironment along with monitori

appliance pow

er consumption. Plu

play actuators allow for automatic con


Linear Technology

Sm rtMesh IP

Wir le s Netw rk

year ba




 Exten i







 Full ac

Co P



from yo

Rich A


Technology, is a game changer for the sensing and control

e cost of a quiring, building, and pe at g wireless sen




• >99.999% net ork reliability

• Ultra-lo power co umption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption

• Extensible, se f-healing me h

• Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN

• True

• Auto

• Open


• Over

• Stand



Ve saSe

the total

award wi


the cost





year b











 Full a




from y






 99.999% n


 Ultra-l w p

year batter









 Libraries fo


 Full access

CoAP and


 Sensing co

from your l

Rich APIs


Case Stu ies

Long-Distance Pipeli e Monitorin

MicroPnP devices m nito long dis ance che ical pipelin

providing precision monitoring

of infrastructure and real time


s for leaks, acciden

ts or

tampering. The MicroPnP mesh

network provides an extremely

reliable and extensible mesh

that can extend to cover huge

distances, while operating for up

to a decade on a single bat ery.

MicroPnP Cas Studies

VersaSen works with customers to d ploy custom sen

actuation pr jects.

What ca VersaSense do for y ur b


distance Pipe line Monitori


Precision Animal Farmi g

Energy Conservation from the Home t the Data

MicroPnP devices monitor long dis a ce

chemical pipelines, p oviding


monitoring of infrastr

uctur and real ti



for leaks, accidents or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extrem ly reliable and exte sible mesh that

can extend to cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on single


MicroPnP provides real-time monitoring of

livestock Efficiency is enhanced through

plug-and- lay se sors and actuators th t

install in minutes to provide

live, high-


data o animal conditio s

including feed consumption, water us ,


mperature, humidity, air quality and




vic s are being applied in

energy man gem nt use cases that range

from home energy profiling to data

center optimization

. Plug-and-play

nsors are

used to provide a detail



ng of energy flow in t


en ironment alon

g with m nitorin g of

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and Actuation Solution – b s d on

SmartMesh IP

Linear T chnology

SmartMesh IP

Wireless Network

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Networking

Zer -Configuration Wir less Sensing and

Actu tion Products

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total ost of ownership for i ustrial sensing and cont l systems

. Our

award winning MicroPnP product li e is a game changer for the sensing nd control

marketplace. MicroPn provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the co t of acquiri g, building, an operating wireless s nsing and control systems.


 99.999% network reliability.


 Ultra-low power consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certifi d 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.

§  Tru Plug-and-Play sensor inte



 Automatic device driver installation.

§  Open i tegration

with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UAR

T, SPI, etc.


 Over 20 existin sensor types available.


 Standards-bas d: IETF CoAP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


 Sensi g control logic may run anywhere,

from your local network to the Cloud.

MicroPnP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Rich A PIs for the Progra mming La

nguage of Your Choice

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and

control systems

. The award winning MicroPnP product line, based on SmartMesh IP™

embedded wireless mesh netw rking

from Linear

Technology, is a game changer f r the sensing an control marketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.



Sensing and Actuation

Rich APIs for the

Programming Language

of Your Choice

• >99.999% etwork reliability

• Ultra-low power consumption:

Up to 10 year battery life

• NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption

• Extensible, self-healing mesh

• Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4e,

6TiSCH nd 6LoWP


• Tru Plug-and-Play sensor integratio

n • Automatic device driv r installatio


• Open inte

gration with all sensor type



Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

• Over 20 existing sensor types available

• Standards-based: IETF CoAP and


Alliance data model

• Libraries for multiple languages

• Full access to your devices using


SO data model

• Sensing control logic may run

anywhere, from your local network

to the Cloud

Linear Technol gy

SmartMesh IP Network


Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation Products

VersaSense c eates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial

nsing nd control syste

ms . Our

award winning Micr PnP product lin is a game changer for the sensing a

d control

marketplace. MicroP P provides a standards-based olution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.

§  99.999% network reliability. §  Ultra-low power consumption

: up to 10

year batt

ery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryption.


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standa -based: 2.4GHz IEEE


5.4e, 6TiSCH and 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all s

ensor types:

Analog, I2 , UART, SPI, e



 Over 20 existing sensor types avai



 Sta dards-based: IETF CoAP and

Micro nP: Plug-and-Play

Sensing and Actuation

Linear Technology

SmartMesh IP Ne worki g

Zero-Configuration Wireless Sensing and

Actuation P oducts

VersaSense creates wireless Internet of Things (IoT) products that

radically reduce

the total cost of ownership for industrial sensing and control systems

. Our

award wi ni g MicroPnP pr duct line is a game changer for the sensing and control

ma ketplace. MicroPnP provides a standards-based solution that drastically reduces

the cost of acquiring, building, and operating wireless sensing and control systems.


 99.999% etwork reliability.


 Ultra-low p wer consumption: up to 10

year battery life.


 NIST-certified 128-bit AES encryptio .


 Extensible, self-healing mesh.


 Standards-based: 2.4GHz IEEE

802.15.4e, 6TiSCH a d 6LoWPAN.


 True Plug-and-Play sensor integration.


 Automatic device driver installation.


 Open integration with all sensor types:

Analog, I2C, UART, SPI, etc.

§  Over 20 existing

sens r types available.


 Standards-b sed: IETF C AP and

IPSO Alliance data model.


 Libraries for multiple languages.


 Full access to your devices using IETF-

CoAP and IPSO data model.


MicroPnP: Plu


Sensi g and Actuation

Rich APIs for the Programming

Language of Your Choice

MicroPnP Case Studies

VersaSense works

with customers to depl y custom sensing and

actuation projects. Wh at can VersaSense d

for your business?

Long-distance ipeline Monitoring

Precision Animal Farming

MicroPnP devices monitor long distance

chemical pipelines, providing

p ecision

monit ing of infrastru cture and real time alerts for eaks, acciden


s or tampering. The

MicroPnP mesh network provides an

extremely reliable and extensible mesh that

can extend to cover huge distances, while

operating for up to a decade on a single



Third Part

Wireless Mesh IoT Sensor Interf ce – based on Sma tM sh IP




• Acoustic

• UV

• Air Quality

• Power

• Voltage



E ergy

• Humidity

• Temperature

• Airflow

• Acoustic



• Temperature

• Humidity

• Lights

• Acoustic



• ressure

• Humidity

• Gas

• Stain Gauge

• Temperatur


• I




• 4 - 20mA



Vicote Cloud



• Make traditional wired senso s wireless

• Configurable sensor interface

• Our goal is to cover all standard sensor interfaces

• Sel -heali g Mesh network

• Plug and Play

• Ultra-low Power – Runs on batteries for ye rs

• >99.99 % network reliability in th ost challenging RF environment

• Each senso

r-interface has a unique IPv6 addres – remotely accessible

• Programmable-Ov r The Air – Makes it easy to update FW

• “Call-ho e” function for user-defined configuration

Linear Technol gy’s Dust Networks


offers th

lowest power and m

ost reliable standards-


sensor networking (WSN) p oducts. Dust N tw

are field proven, with over 50,000 custom r

deployed in 120 countri s. By delivering >9

reli bility in tough RF environments, Dust N

wireless m sh networks are entrusted by cu

deliver critical sensor and control data reliabil

years without req iring interv ntion.

SmartMesh IP™

Wireless Mesh



Wireless Mesh IoT Sensor Inte face – based on SmartM



• Acoustic

• UV

• Air Qu lity

• Power

• Voltage




• Humidity

• Temperature

• Airflow

• Acoustic


Automat on

• Temp ratur

• Humidity

• Lights

• Acoustic



• Pressure

• Humidity

• Gas

• Stain Gauge

• Temperature


• I




• 4 - 20mA





• Make traditional wired sensors wireless

• Configurable sor interfac

• Our goal is to cover all standar sensor i terfaces

• S lf-healing Mesh network

• Plug and Play

• Ultra-low ower – R

u s on batteries for years • >99.999% n t ork

reliability in the most challengi g RF environ ent

• E

ach sensor-int rface has a unique IPv6 a

ddress – remotely accessible

• Programmable-Over The Air – Makes it easy to update FW

• “Call-home” function for user-defined configuration

• Uses a standard protocol – IEEE 802.15.4E, 6LoWPAN with 128-bit AES-based


• Time Synchronized Mesh Protocol (TSMP)

• Tim Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH)

• Nodes know precisely when t t lk, listen, or sleep

Network Featur s

Lin ar Technology’s Dust

lowest power and most re

s ns or networking (WSN


are field proven, with ove


loyed in 120 c untrie

r liability in ough RF en

wireless mesh networks

eliver critical sensor and

years without requiring in

SmartMesh IP™

Wireless Mesh




• Acoustic

• UV

• A r Quality

• Power

• Voltage




• Humidity

• Temperature

• Airflow

• Acoustic



• Temperature

• Humidity

• Lights

• Acoustic



• Pressure

• Humidity

• Gas

• Stain Ga ge

• Temperature


• I




• 4 - 20mA




• Make tradition l wired sensors wireless

• Configurable sensor interfac

• Our goal is to cov r all standa d sensor int rfaces

• Self-healing Mesh n twork

• Plug nd Play

• Ultra-low Power – Runs on batteries for years

• >99.999% network reliability in the most challenging

• E ch s nsor-i terface has a unique IPv6 address – re

• Programmab

le-Over The Air – M akes it easy to upda


• “Call-home” function for user-defined configuration

Uses a standard protocol – IEEE

802.15.4E, 6LoWPA

encrypti n

• Time Synchronized Mesh Pr

otocol (TSMP)

• Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH)

• No es know precisely when to talk, listen, or sleep

• Packet exchanges are synchronized

• No packets collide on the network

• Multiple transmissions can occur simultaneously, inc

Network Features

Wireless Mesh I T Sen or Interf ce


Monitori g

• Acoustic

• UV

• Air Quality

• Power

• Voltage




• Humidity

• Temperature

• Airflow

• Acoustic


A tomation

• Temperature

• Hu idity

• Lights

• Acoustic



• P essure

• Humidi y

• Gas

• St in Gauge

• Temperature

Int rface

• I




• 4 -





• Make traditi nal wired sensors


• Configurable sens

r interface

• Our goal is to cover all standard ensor interfac

• Self-healing Mesh network

• Plug and Play

• Ultra-low Po

wer – Runs on batteries for years

• >99.999% twork reliability in the most challe

nging RF nvironment • E

ch sens r-interface has a u que IPv6 addres – remotely acce sible

• Pr grammable-Over The Air – Makes it easy to update FW

• “Call-home” function for user-defined configuration

• Uses a st ndard protocol – IE E 802.15.4E, 6LoWPAN with 128-bit AES


• Time Synchro

nized M sh Prot col (TSMP)

• Time Slotted

Channel Hopping (TSCH)

• Nodes know pr cisely when to talk, listen, or sleep

Netw rk Features

Sma tMe

Wir less



Monit ring

• Acoustic

• UV

• Air Quality

• Power

• Voltage




• Humidity

• Temperature

• Airflow

• Acoustic



• Temperature

• Humidity

• Lights

• Acoustic



• Pressure

• Humidity

• Gas

• Stain Gauge

• Temperature


• I




• 4 - 20mA




• Make traditional wired sensors wireless

• Confi

gurable sensor i


• Our goal is to cover all standard sensor interfaces

• Self-healing Mesh network

• Plug and Play

• Ultra-low Power – Runs on batteries for years

• >99.999% network reliability in the most ch llen ing

• Each se sor-interface ha a unique IPv6 address – r

• Programma

ble-O r The Air – M akes it e sy to upd


“Call-home” function for user-d

efi ed configuration

Uses a stand d protocol – IEE

E 802.15.4E, 6LoWPA


• Time Synchronized Mesh Pr

otocol (TSMP)

• Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH)

• Nodes know precisely when to talk, listen, or sleep

• Packet exchanges are synchr nized

• No p ckets collide on the netw rk

• Multiple transmissions can occur simultaneously, i


Net ork Features


management sys ems /

mobile application


Any industrial


The Micro PNP solution

Arduino Pl tform available as wel

The Vicote solution


Lego Easy

Based On: