ISPAM September 6 2014 Meeting - page 80

Comments on the Detection of Salmonella SMPR
Table 1
In the purpose at the beginning of the
document, it was stated that “on-site
verification, a single-laboratory validation, or a
multi-site collaborative study” could be done.
If no requirements can be elaborated, then
they should be deleted. Same comment for
other rows in this table and Table 2.
Table 1 RLOD = TBD. What does this mean?
Table 1 Last 2 footnotes should read 'Annex V' not'
Annex 5'.
Revised in version 14
Table 1
Define abbreviations. Acceptable
detection level or
detection level? Definitions refer to minimum
but table says minimal.
Agreed. "Minimal" should be "minimum".
Revised in version 14
Table 1
Suggest using roman numerals instead of
numbers for appendices.
Agreed. Change reference to roman numerals.
Revised in version 14
Table 2 LOD - this abbreviation has not been defined
Agreed. "LOD" should be "AMDL".
Revised in version 14
Table 2 -
Specify international guideline(s).
Agreed. Reference to ISO, AOAC and Health
Canada inserted.
Revised in version 14
Annex I
Positive Control: The term "low", by itself, is
not helpful because it is subject to
The working group decided to eliminate Annex
Annex I removed.
Annex I
Negative control: Is this meant to be a
negative control employing a microorganism,
or an uninoculated control? Perhaps both
need to be considered.
The working group decided to eliminate Annex
Annex I removed.
Annex I
Negative control purpose: Specify that the
contamination in 2nd sentence means natural
and/or accidental contamination.
The working group decided to eliminate Annex
Annex I removed.
Revised in version 14.
TBD = To be determined. Section updated with
acceptable limits indicated in the 2nd draft
ISO/FDIS 16140.
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