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HBCU Careers Magazine


Do Your Job to the Best of Your Ability

Always do the best you can do, regardless of the task you are assigned. Anything less will not only be a

disappointment to your employer, but a disappointment to you. Keep in mind that sometimes when you

start a new job you may be assigned tasks that seem trivial or unimportant. Take your tasks seriously,

and do them to the best of your ability. If you demonstrate that you can handle the small tasks, your

manager’s confidence in your abilities will most likely increase, and soon you may find yourself working

on more interesting projects.

Adapt to the Corporate Culture

Companies expect their employees to fit in and accept the corporate culture. It’s up to you to learn

your organization’s style and culture and be willing to adapt to it. Is the dress code “business casual”

or do employees wear suits? Is there a designated lunch time? Are there specific company formats

that are to be used when preparing reports, memos or other written documents? These are just a few

things you will want to consider. You can learn about the corporate culture by familiarizing yourself with

the employee handbook, observing your co-workers’ behavior and asking questions (for examples of

“business casual attire” see pages 80 and 81).

Develop Your Communication Skills

Every job, including technical ones, requires some degree of communication skills. Learn to be a good

listener to ensure you fully understand instructions and to show that you are interested. Demonstrate

patience and sensitivity with others, and avoid public confrontation and complaining. Learn to be tactful

when working on a team, and consider what others on the team have to say and work with them. Above

all, treat people as you would like to be treated. With written work, be sure you’ve proofread it carefully

for content, spelling and grammar before submitting it.

Ge to Know Your Co-workers

Get to know and be known by others in your work environment. Be

professional and courteous at all times, and learn the roles that your

co-workers play within the organization. Learning


does what

can help to figure out where


fit in the big picture. Furthermore,

you may be asked to work as a part of a team with other co-workers.

If you know your co-workers and have an understanding of their

role withing the organization, it will help you to be a more effective

member of the team.

Project a Positive Attitude

This may sound basic, but it is very important. What is your perception of someone that has a good

attitude versus that of someone that has a bad attitude? Think about it. Most (if not all) would agree

that they prefer to work with someone that has a positive attitude. For better or worse, many times

someone’s perception of you is stronger than the actual facts. Having a negative attitude can cloud your

manager’s view of your ability. You may be competent at your job but do you take an interest in your

work? Do you show enthusiasm? Do you take initiative? Having a positive attitude will not only serve

you well in your first job, but throughout your entire career. Often opportunities for advancement and

leadership roles hinge on your overall attitude.