HBCU Careers Magazine
Social Media and the Workplace
By: Simone M. Campbell
Executive Director
Hunger4Humanity Inc., Columbia MD
More than ever people are using technology and social
media to assist them with finding jobs, and to network
with others in their field or the field they’d like to enter.
Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube
and Instagram are becoming part of the everyday norm.
By becoming visible and participating in groups that are
trying to accomplish similar goals, an individual, can open
doors that may not have been available to them before.
These tools are no longer just for personal use since many
people use them in their professional lives as well.
As social media becomes the go-to strategy for branding, networking, job seeking and
recruitment, employers are increasingly concerned with employees using these tools for non-
work purposes while on the job. Engaging in speech in public venues that might reflect poorly on
their organization is also a way for people to get job offers rescinded, reprimanded at work and
even fired.
Everyone has their "My-job-sucks," "I-hate-my-co-workers," or "I-want- more-money" moment.
However, they seem to forget that as employers increase their online presence using social
networking sites it might be best for their career not to have these moments on the Internet.
If you are currently employed you should be aware of your online activity as it could have a
negative impact on how you are perceived in the workplace. If you want to use your profile to get
hired or at least not get fired - here are some basic rules to keep in mind:
1. Don't announce your job search if you're still employed. If your employer knows you're
on the lookout for a new job, feel free to advertise it in your status. If you're keeping
your search confidential, don't post anything, anywhere. Even if you aren't connected to
your boss online, somebody can relay the information back to him or her.
2. Don't badmouth your current or previous employer - Just like in an interview, keep your
rants about your boss or company to yourself. If hiring managers see that you're willing
to trash a colleague online they assume you'll do it to them, too. There is also a strong
possibility of getting fired if your negative comments are discovered.
3. Uploading and being tagged in photos on social media sites has become a very popular
activity and can be difficult to maintain full control over who can and cannot see your
photos. You should be extremely careful when uploading photos onto sites such as
Facebook and Twitter, particularly photos which show you having a drink in a nightclub
or a night out. In addition, never allow yourself to be photographed around drugs or
using weapons. These photos will give potential employers a negative impression of you