Volume 15, Number 3 2013
Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
plenty of opportunities for language modelling and
vocabulary development (e.g., colours, shapes, animals,
verbs) while also targeting fine motor skills (e.g., hand
strength) and gross motor skills (e.g., reaching across the
midline, maintaining upright posture). Moulding play dough
into shapes of objects can also target symbolic play skills.
Messy play with play dough, which is a wet firm texture,
can help gradually expose children with sensory
preferences to different textures. Although play dough is not
a food, it can also be used in activities to desensitise
children to wet textures in preparation for introducing new
food types with fussy eaters. Plus, play dough is fun and
lots of children love it!
Correspondence to:
Nicole Limbrick
Speech Pathologist
Early Childhood Intervention Officer/Key worker
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
163 Welsford St, Shepparton Vic 3630
phone: +61 (3) 5832 1529
nicolelimbrick@live.com.auThe top ten resources mentioned above are based on the author’s
personal opinions, not those of the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development.
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later to measure change. The COPM is a handy tool for
prioritising family’s goals or areas of concern across all
areas of child development, including social skills, self-care,
communication, physical mobility and behaviour. Therefore,
it can be a useful tool for professionals in determining
children’s holistic needs and the potential need for team
members from other disciplines to become involved.
10 Play dough
I never appreciated the many uses of humble play dough
until I began working in a transdisciplinary team. There are