Higher DR
Dosimetric equipment (dose rate dependence?– P
-partial volume)
Radiobiology of HDR? No correction factor recommended
Main advantage FFF for
SRT (high fraction dose-small fields–
no modulation)
Motion management
– reduced treatment time (but interplay?)
Dosimetric characteristics
Clinical implications
Softer spectrum-low energies not removed
Lower effective energy if the electron beam is the same (shallower D
Higher skin dose
But purer spectrum (+ < e
contamination) and easier to model
Reduced variation of energy spectrum across field size (due to different hardening in
the field)
Reduced head scatter
Reduced treatment head leakage
Reduced variation of output ratio in air with field size
Lower out of field dose to surrounding tissues
(Kragl et al. Z Med Phys 2011;21)
Less neutron dose
(less photon fluence/dose and no neutron generated in the FF)
use of higher energy photons?