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4.4 Industrial and environmental risks




The group operates nine sites subject to Seveso regulations, which implement

European Directive 2012/18/EU concerning the control of major accident hazards

involving dangerous substances, as amended. The regulations apply to facilities

that may present a significant risk to public health and safety or to the environment.

The sites subject to these regulations are located in France and in Germany (Lingen

ANF). Four of them are subject to high-threshold Seveso regulations, three of which

are in France: AREVA NC (Tricastin and Malvési sites) and AREVA NP (Jarrie site).

The ANF Lingen site is a nuclear facility and also presents a high-threshold Seveso

risk due to its storage of hydrofluoric acid (HF).

In accordance with the regulatory requirements, the three sites in France have set

up a plan to prevent major accidents and limit their impacts on individuals and

the environment. A safety management system incorporating the organization,

functions, products and other resources was set up to strengthen riskmanagement.

Similarly, hazards studies are updated on a regular basis. They are the foundation of

the process designed to minimize risk from the outset, control urban development,

establish emergency management plans and inform the public. Hazards studies

present in particular the hazards that the facility could generate in the event of

a deviation and demonstrate measures capable of reducing the probability and

impacts of an accident to the lowest achievable level in view of current knowledge

and practices, taking into account the vulnerability of the facility’s environment.

As part of a continuous improvement process, the relevance, reliability and “stand-

alone” quality of safety barriers are reviewed on a regular basis. This review applies

to prevention barriers (intended to reduce the probability of an unscheduled event)

and to protection barriers (intended to limit the consequences of an unscheduled

event). Moreover, a dedicated working group was set up in 2004 to harmonize and

share best practices from Seveso sites.

With respect to insurance, the above-mentioned facilities of AREVA NC, AREVA NP

and ANF are covered by the civil liability program taken out by the group. The level

of coverage is based on quantification of reasonably expected risk and guarantees

available in the insurance market.


On December 18, 2006, the European Parliament adopted the REACH regulation

(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), EC

no. 1907/2006. REACH establishes a policy for managing chemical substances in

the European Union. The long-termobjective is to find substitutes for substances that

are of most concern for health and the environment. The regulation helps improve

knowledge of the properties of chemical substances and the risks associated with

their use.

It requires the registration of all chemical substances produced or imported in

quantities of more than one metric ton per year. The data collected in this way are

being used to ensure appropriate management of the risks associated with the

use of each substance. In addition, each user of a substance must ensure that

its use is covered by the manufacturer’s and importer’s registration file and that

recommended risk management measures are applied.

For the substances of most concern for health and the environment, listed in

Appendix XIV of the regulation, an authorization request must be submitted to

the European Chemicals Agency. More than 160 substances were introduced

in the process: an initial list of substances was published in October 2008 and

is regularly updated. Today, 31 substances are listed in Appendix XIV. AREVA is

directly concerned by only a few of these substances; a research and development

program is in progress to find substitutes for them.

Several steps were taken tomanage the legal, financial and technical consequences

of the REACH regulation and to ensure that all of the group’s entities are in

compliance. In October 2006, an awareness program targeting the affected

functions was deployed throughout the group and has continued since then. An

internal organization was set up consisting of a REACH steering committee at the

corporate level (Safety, Health, Security and Environment Department, Supply Chain

Department, Legal Department, and Research and Development Department) as

well as representatives of the entities and technical advisors for the various issues

related to REACH. This organization, described in a group procedure, will deploy

and monitor the initiative in each legal entity.

AREVA is affected by this regulation as a producer and importer of substances

used in certain operations (in particular in the Mining, Chemistry, Enrichment and

Fuel Business Units), and more generally as a downstream user of substances and

mixtures. It should be noted that the radioactive substances covered in the Euratom

directive (no. 96/29, replaced by no. 2013/59) are excluded from the scope of

the REACH regulations. The group pre-registered and registered all substances

produced or imported in quantities of more than onemetric ton. Eleven applications

for registration, including three as lead registrant, were filed before the first deadline

of November 30, 2010, and six applications were filed before the second deadline

in 2013.

2016 AREVA