Eva Cottingham-Mayall
Where were you beforeTeddies?
What House are you in and what are you
I am in Mac’s, studying Latin, Greek, Maths and
Chemistry for A Level.
What musical activities are you involved
in at school?
This could take a while! Brass Band, Concert Band,
Big Band, Trumpet Quartet, Orchestra, Chapel
Choir, Chamber Choir, Close Harmony and Battle
of the Bands in a band my friend and I set up! I have
also participated in the Chapel Band and a couple
of musicals.
What other extra-curricular activities?
Woodstock Group, Drama and Lyne Society
(for Classics).
What has been your favourite musical moment
so far at St Edward’s?
Listening to Mr Watkins singing the alto 2 part in
‘Faire is the Heaven’ by William Harris.
What has been your favourite performance?
The Bands’ Concert in April, when I was in everything
but modern jazz. My favourite performance aside from
music was
His Dark Materials
a few years ago.
What are you most looking forward to about
the new Music School?
The new rehearsal room - apparently it is huge!
Which teacher has had the biggest influence
on your musical development?
Definitely Mr Powell.
Best advice you’ve ever been given atTeddies,
musical or otherwise?
Just trust your lip and always support.
What music do you listen to in your spare time?
I often listen to current choir and band repertoire.
I don’t listen to very much modern music, but
sometimes ‘Panic at the Disco’ or ‘Twenty One
Pilots’. At home, I listen to my Mum’s music, such
as Fleetwood Mac, Johnny Cash and the Kinks.
The best thing about St Edward’s?
So many opportunities to participate in everything
and easily make a variety of new friends through
these activities.
What do you want to do after School?
Firstly, I want to get a degree in Classics, hopefully
at Cambridge. I actually want to be an actress, but if
this does not work out, perhaps I’ll pursue a career
in teaching Latin and Greek.