2014 February Beacon - page 33

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Swearing in of officers:
Commodore John thanked Art for being here tonight and for all that he does for the club.
Chaplain Art Brooks did the official swearing in of the officers. He indicated that a ceremonial
swearing in will be conducted at the Commodore Ball.
Commodore’s Comments:
Commodore, John Anderson
I would like to welcome everyone and thank you for your attendance to our first meeting of the
2014 season. I would like to give a big nod of appreciation to our PC Don Vanover for his
efforts last year in positioning our Club in a very good direction. I'm looking forward to working
with all of you. We have a very talented group of people here and in setting our minds to it, we
can move our Club forward in a positive way.
My Commitment to all of you is to put forward the very best job as I can. The decisions that I
make will be with the entire Membership in mind.
My expectations are that you, my fellow officers, will give your best to the Membership that
has put their trust in you. Though in meetings we may be diverse in our ideas or opinions,
when we finally come to a vote on an issue, we leave that meeting solid in our decision.
My goal for this year is to place the Club in a better position both financially and socially than
we received it. We need to build on our successes and move forward to the future.
I have no doubt that all of this can be achieved with open minds and determination we will
Vice-Commodore’s Comments:
Vice Commodore, Brian McEvoy
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year's.
Congratulations to Don Vanover for earning the title of Past Commodore.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the newly elected Directors, Frank Corcoran,
Randy Pagel, Brian Malik and Brent Malik for offering their time and services on behalf of the
membership. I would also like to thank the outgoing Directors, Diane French, Greg Brigman and
Kim Miedema for their contributions to the Club this past year.
I'm looking forward to working with this Flag and group of Directors for the next 12 months.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments:
Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh
Thanks PC Don Vanover for a great year last year. You did a great job and we had a lot of fun. To
all the new members, be active in the meetings and state your views. There will be some tough
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