2014 February Beacon - page 34

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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decisions and interesting conversation. In the end, we will all shake hands and go in the common
Financial Report:
Treasurer, Frank Corcoran
RC Chuck Stroh and I have spent many hours going over the budget. I emailed the reports to
the directors and ask that you review them and let me know of any concerns. Not much
happens in December. We had some dredging and Fin work. Any questions please contact me
or bring it up at a Board Meeting. VC Brian stated that there was some question about the bar
sales reports. RC Chuck Stroh informed everyone that they changed the reporting method last
year, and some things are in different categories of the report.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to approve the financial report. Seconded by Rich
Motion Carried
ABYA Report:
P/C Don Vanover
The January 6, 2014 meeting was held at Huron Pointe. There were not many members there
due to the inclement weather. The Spring Dinner Dance is being held at the North Channel Yacht
Club on May 31, 2014. If interested in tickets, contact PC Don Vanover. The Midland event will
be held March 7 thru March 9, 2014. This is always a good time. There will be a lot of activities
and an open bar. The ABYA safety book went to the printer and should be done by the Boat
A thank you note was received from Art and Sue Brooks for the memorial to St Jude Children's
Hospital for Sue's Mother.
Member Terry Schimke wanted some information on advertising in the Beacon.
A letter from Bob Mann stating that he was on leave of absence and would like to return to the
Club. He included his check for his dues.
A letter was received by Tom McInnes requesting a leave of absence from the Club.
Moved by RC Chuck Stroh to approve Tom's request pending confirmation of hours
worked. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal.
Motion Carried
Commodore John read a note from PC Tom McHugh thanking membership for their thoughts
and prayers during the recent loss of his father.
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