2014 February Beacon - page 35

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Activities - Bob Carnaghi
There are still a few weekends left to fill. Great Lakes Cruising Club would like to have a
rendezvous at North Channel Yacht Club on a weekend. The request came through
Yvonne Murray. They came last year for a rendezvous. They would have a dinner, that
all of North Channel would be invited (for a charge) and they also provide
entertainment. Bob will contact Yvonne with some dates that are available. Tabled until
the February meeting. Anyone interested in sponsoring an event, please contact Bob or
Commodore John.
Club House - Rich Goodman
The Club House is peacefully awaiting our return. No report
Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss
No Report
Membership - Brian Malik
The letters went out and the checks are starting to come in. A lot of calls and emails
wanting to know if we are still doing the split dues. This topic will be discussed in the
New Business section of the meeting.
Publications - Brent Malik
Brent was absent-excused.
PC Don Vanover stated what an excellent job Brent did in getting out the January
Secretary – Randy Pagel
The work schedule is still a work in progress. We still need an OD for the weekend of
August 1, 2014. I wanted to thank Brent for putting the Boat US discount in the Beacon.
The reciprocal cards are almost done for the other boat clubs. Should be done in the
next week or two.
Supplies – Hugh Vestal
The liquor is locked up tight! No report
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