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Strengthening Partnerships

with Law Enforcement

At a time when research indicates teens

are the population least trusting of law enforce-

ment, Clubs have made a commitment to serve

more teens and are taking intentional steps to

provide solutions in how communities and law

enforcement positively engage each other. So,

where do we stand now?

In 2015, our Clubs served 559,000 teen

members, 83% of whom are on track to gradu-

ate from high school. In addition, more than

20,000 Club members participated in law en-

forcement-sponsored sports programming. In

February 2016, more than 60% of our Move-

ment’s non-military organizations participated

in a survey on relationships with law enforce-


TAILS). Results showed that the vast majority

of the organizations surveyed have existing part-

nerships, and most of the ones that don’t would

like to establish them.

While the survey provides us a point of

reference for targeted efforts, it also brings to

the forefront several promising practices that are

derived from partnering with local law enforce-

ment agencies. For example, organizations with

law enforcement in Club leadership positions

appear to have the deepest partnerships, helping

to foster a litany of innovative strategies to en-

sure community safety, such as locating Clubs in

police sub-stations, providing fixed-post officers

in Clubs, and enabling police academy cadets to

rotate through Clubs.

Law enforcement officers also serve as role

models to youth through Clubs’ existing pro-

grams. Recent efforts in our St. Louis Clubs

– where police have been frequent subjects of

protests in the two years since Michael Brown’s

death in nearby Ferguson – resulted in “Opera-

tion Polar Cops,” a program that uses a truck

retrofitted to look like a typical ice cream truck

dressed in police blue to give away ice cream to

youth. Efforts like these introduce officers as

positive role models in a fun, approachable en-

vironment for our youth.

We have also seen success when focusing

on meeting the needs of high-risk youth. In

July, Team USA basketball star Carmelo An-

thony hosted a town hall dialogue at the Boys &

Girls Club of Metro Los Angeles’ Challengers.

The world-famous New York Knicks player was

Coupled with recent events of violence and

destruction that have pervaded our culture and

shaken our belief system, these statistics under-

score the need for strong, collaborative partner-

ships between local law enforcement and the

communities they serve. Fortunately, Boys &

Girls Clubs are optimally positioned to build

upon these relationships.

Existing Partnerships

Our Clubs and our national organization

have a long and positive relationship with in-

stitutions that are focused on improving the

lives of our children, including law enforcement

at the local and federal levels, and we are well-

positioned to increase this impact. Clubs have

established trust with youth, are located in the

communities with the most need, and often fa-

cilitate community connections and serve as safe

havens, even in times of unrest and violence.

At the federal level, Boys & Girls Clubs of

America (BGCA) has partnered with the Office

of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs

(OJJDP) since the program’s infancy in the mid-

1980s to develop, promote, support, and grow

our Targeted Outreach program. Our organiza-

tions work collaboratively with a network of lo-

cal Clubs, courts, police, juvenile justice and so-

cial service agencies, community organizations,

and schools to identify, recruit, and mainstream

at-risk youth into Club programs as a diversion

from delinquent activity. We have also jointly

hosted and convened the National Gang Sym-

posium on several occasions.

Today, OJJDP funding supports not only

the Targeted Outreach program, but local Boys

& Girls Club mentoring programs serving at-

risk and high-risk youth in underserved com-

munities nationwide. This year alone, BGCA

will provide OJJDP pass-through funding to

about 1,500 local Boys & Girls Clubs to deliver

mentoring programs and services to more than

30,000 youth in many of America’s most chal-

lenging communities, including Native youth,

military-connected youth, and delinquent and/

or gang affiliated youth.

As a result of this historical partnership with

OJJDP, countless Clubs have been provided the

opportunity to successfully focus on reaching

more children who are especially vulnerable to

the adverse impact that conditions of poverty and

social neglect have upon youth and their families,

and to reach them more often with impact.

joined by new BGC Metro Los Angeles CEO

Cal Lyons, members of the Team USA men’s

and women’s basketball teams, community

leaders, representatives from the LAPD, and

local youth for a discussion entitled “Leader-

ship Together: A Conversation with our Sons

& Daughters.”

The conversation touched on relevant

social topics such as gun violence and youth

perceptions of law enforcement, and was

capped off by Anthony making a donation to

the Challenger Club. This kind of local activ-

ism on a global scale is a critical part of our

advocacy efforts and will remain a key pri-

ority moving forward. It also serves as a re-

minder that Boys & Girls Clubs are often the

primary resources that our members turn to

for comfort, guidance, and perspective, par-

ticularly during the troubled and confusing

times in which we live.

Youth Attitudes Toward

Law Enforcement

The survey also asked Club executives

about their perceptions of youth attitudes

toward law enforcement. Three-quarters of

organizations reported that youth attitudes

and behaviors toward law enforcement have

improved since they have developed rela-

tionships with these groups, and that youth

make positive statements about and initiate

conversations with law enforcement. Club

executives believe that most youth did not

seem uncomfortable around law enforcement

officers, and that almost half of youth in their

organizations aspire to be a law enforcement

officer when they grew up.

Knowing what our executives think

that the youth they serve feel is one thing,

but what do our members actually believe?

A March 2016 survey of nearly 1,800 teens


found that most youth had not interacted

with law enforcement in the last 12 months,

and more than twice as many youth had seen

or had a positive experience than those who

had seen or had a negative experience with

law enforcement. Youth generally had posi-

tive opinions about local police, but a large

group believed that law enforcement officers

were unfair toward people of color and more

than half felt afraid to interact with officers.

Legacy of Service

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