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To add a new item to an existing list, we’ll have a separate URL, to which we can send

POST requests:

/lists/<list identifier>/add_item

(Again, we’re not trying to perfectly follow the rules of REST, which would use a PUT

request here—we’re just using REST for inspiration.)

In summary, our scratchpad for this chapter looks something like this:

Get FTs to clean up after themselves

Adjust model so that items are associated

with different lists

Add unique URLs for each list

Add a URL for creating a new list via POST

Add URLs for adding a new item to an

existing list via POST

Implementing the New Design Using TDD

How do we use TDD to implement the new design? Let’s take another look at the flow‐

chart for the TDD process in

Figure 6-1 .

At the top level, we’re going to use a combination of adding new functionality (by ex‐

tending the FT and writing new application code), and refactoring our application—ie,

rewriting some of the existing implementation so that it delivers the same functionality

to the user but using aspects of our new design. At the unit test level, we’ll be adding

new tests or modifying existing ones to test for the changes we want, and we’ll be able

to use the untouched unit tests to make sure we don’t break anything in the process.

Implementing the New Design Using TDD
