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Key to the ongoing success of the Original

Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is the

industry-leading expertise and experience

of its management team. Parkhouse, a

professional engineer, himself has 40 years’

experience in the mining industry, from coal

to gold, and has worked as far afield as

China, Mozambique, and Colombia.

He is joined by George Sturgeon as

business development manager, Ameen

Peters as regional sales manager, Kiran

Singh as production manager, and Active

Ngwenya as sales administrator. “In the

meantime, we would like to reassure all of

our customers that it is business as usual,”

Parkhouse stresses.

Parkhouse will ensure that Aury Africa

has good representation in Africa, with

the initial focus being on Zambia and

Mozambique. “Our mission is to provide

our clients with reliable and cost-effective

solutions to their production challenges,

supported by professional aftersales

service teams,” he comments. In addition,

Parkhouse will strive to forge a closer

working relationship with both Aury China

and Aury Australia.

Aury Africa produces a complete range

of high-quality vibrating screens for the coal,

gold, and minerals-processing sectors. This

consists of banana, horizontal, circular, high-

frequency, and flip-flop vibrating screens.

It also supplies a range of exciters to

fit most OEM screen types. Consumable

products available include centrifuge

baskets, polyurethane (PU) wedge wire

Mining industry supplier expands

Aury Africa aims to become a leading manufacturer and supplier

of high-performance mineral-processing equipment to the African

mining industry by 2022. This is the vision of the company’s new

management team, led by director Sydney Parkhouse.

panels, intertank/interstage cylinder screens

for classification, sieve bends, static panels

for separation.

“A significant competitive advantage

for Aury Africa, and a major cost-saver for

our clients, is our capability to manufacture

these PU wedge wire panels locally,”

Parkhouse points out. These are available

at a fraction of the price of similar imported

products panels.

Commenting on the current state of the

mining industry, Parkhouse is optimistic that

the green shoots appearing in commodity

sectors such as copper and iron ore bodes

well for the industry as a whole. “We will

ramp up our production in conjunction with

our clients’ anticipation of meeting the

demand for commodities globally."

Aury Africa has an extensive stockholding of

PU wedge wire panels.