28(>
The
eatliest
mention
can
find
of
it
is
in
a
'
trans-
lation
(1577)
of
a
book
written
by
Dr.
Monades
of
Seville.
"
Of
the
Coca.
^*
was
desirous
to
see
that
hearbe
so
celebrated
of
the
Indians,
so
many
yeares
past,
which
they
doe
call
xh^
Coca,
which
they
doe
sow
and
till
with
muche
care
and
diligence,
for
because
they
doe
use
it
for
their
pleasures,
which
we
will
speake
of.
The
Coca
is
an
hearbe
of
the
height
of
a
yerd,
little
more
or
lesse,
Joyfull
Newes
out
of
the
newe.
founde
Worlde^
etc.
Englished
by
Jhon
Frampton^
Marchaunt^^
i577i
^ol
^^^
^-