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Food loss and waste in agro-ecosystems

Agriculture takes up 37.6 per cent of the world’s land area, producing food, forage, bio-energy and

pharmaceuticals. Against the backdrop of an increasing population, the food production capacity

of agro-ecosystems is under threat from climate change, land degradation and loss of biodiversity.

Soil erosion alone is blamed for losses in potential grain yield of as much as 5 million tonnes per

year, an amount that is enough to meet the annual food calorie needs of 24 million people. A

further 3 million tonnes of grain is lost through salinization of croplands, which could potentially

feed 14.3 million people over a year. The losses in potential food production from agriculture due

to environmental degradation are in addition to the 1.3 billion tonnes of food that are produced

but never consumed every year. About 1.4 billion hectares of land are used to produce food that

is either lost or wasted. At the same time the rates of increase in food production are falling, a

trend that shows the planet is reaching its full potential for food production through conventional

agricultural practices. A shift towards ecosystem approaches that can maintain or enhance

the quality of agro-ecosystems could reverse the trend and significantly increase overall food

production in a sustainable manner.

An estimated 37.6 per cent of the world’s total land area is used

for agriculture (FAO 2013a), and this ratio continues to expand.

Crop and grazing lands, the main agricultural ecosystems, are

a major source of food. In addition, agriculture also provides

forage, bioenergy and pharmaceuticals (Power 2010). As

much as 1.5 billion hectares, constituting 12 per cent of the

world’s land area, is used for arable and permanent crop

production. Considerable amounts of more land are suitable

for crop production, but these are covered in forests, used

for settlements or protected for environmental conservation

(FAO 2013a). According to the FAO (2009), agricultural systems

include agro-forestry, pastoralism, crop monocultures, grazing

systems, mixed cropping, paddy rice farms, perennial orchards,

shifting cultivation, small home gardens and plantations of oil

palm, coffee, cacao and sugarcane.

Food production through agriculture depends on services

provided by natural ecosystems, including biological pest

control, hydrological services, maintenance of soil structure

and fertility, nutrient cycling and pollination (Power 2010).

At the same time, agriculture also produces ecosystem

services and disservices, depending on management

practices. Ecosystem services from agriculture include

carbon sequestration, disease control, regulation of soil and

water quality, cultural services and support for biodiversity,

while disservices include greenhouse gas emissions, loss

of wildlife habitat, nutrient runoff, pesticide poisoning and

sedimentation of waterways (Power 2010). Since the food

provisioning role of agriculture is dependent on and has

impacts on other ecosystems, there is a clear connection

between agricultural ecosystems and other ecosystems such

as mountain, forest and freshwater.

Good management practices can reduce the negative

impacts of agriculture on ecosystems, while at the same time

maintaining or increasing food production (Power 2010). Food

provisioning can therefore be optimized through appropriate

management practices targeted at supporting and regulating

ecosystem services, as well by reducing ecosystem disservices


et al.


Food production trends

As a result of population growth and changing consumption

patterns, the demand for food and production of food is

increasing. Cereals such as wheat, rice and maize provide

about two-thirds of all energy in human diets (Cassman 1999)

and are grown on about half of the world’s total harvested land

area (FAO 2013a).

The past 50 years have seen global crop production expand

threefold, with cereal production reaching 2.3 billion tonnes in

2012. Of this amount, about 1 billion tonnes was used for food

and 750 million tonnes for animal feed. About two-thirds of the

remaining food went to industrial processing or was used as

seed or wasted (FAO 2013a). While there are regional differences,

world cereal production increased by an annual average of

2.2 per cent between 1995 and 2009 (FAO 2012d). In the 1990s

annual growth in production of cereals averaged 1 per cent,