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under cultivation (Tilman 1999). Wrong or excessive application of

chemical fertilizersmay have negative effects on the environment

as well as human health (Godfray

et al.

2010; FAO 2013a).

Ecologist David Tilman (1999) argues that the next doubling of

global food production would be driven by a threefold increase

in nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization rates, a doubling of

the irrigated land area and an 18 per cent increase in cropland.

The concern is that these inputs will further alter the diversity,

composition and functioning of the world’s natural ecosystems

significantly, and affect their ability to provide society with

essential ecosystem goods and services such as food. Based

on past trends in agricultural expansion, Tilman

et al.


estimated that 1 000 million hectares of natural ecosystems

would need to be converted to agriculture by 2050, and this

together with increases in nitrogen- and phosphorus-driven

eutrophication of terrestrial, freshwater and near-shore marine

ecosystems, would cause dramatic ecosystem simplification and

significant loss of ecosystem services such as food production.

Food loss and waste in agricultural production

Food loss during agricultural production is caused by a variety

of factors including damage by pests, diseases and unfavorable

weather, poor handling and premature harvesting. Selective

harvesting, labour shortages, over-planting, natural drying,

spillage and spoilage during transportation also cause food

loss and waste. Market-based practices such as stringent

quality standards and processing requirements contribute to

food loss en route to consumers (Springer 2013).

In developing countries, losses in the agricultural production

and post-harvest stage are highest. Of the total amount of

food that is lost and wasted in sub-Saharan Africa, as much as

67 per cent is lost during the two first stages of the supply chain.

In South and South-East Asia the situation is similar, with just

over 60 per cent lost during production and post-harvesting,

closely followed by Latin America at about 62 per cent. High

losses in the early stages of the supply chain are mainly due

to inadequate financial and structural resources for proper

harvesting, storage and transportation, as well as unfavourable

climatic conditions for food preservation (FAO 2013b).

Two food categories – fruits and vegetables, and roots and

tubers – have the highest percentage of loss during agricultural

production and post-harvest, at about 22–26 per cent. These

are also the commodities that have the highest overall loss

and waste rates, both at approximately 45 per cent. About

30 per cent of all cereal production is lost or wasted, while

23 per cent of oilseeds and pulses, and meat, and 17 per cent of

dairy products are lost or wasted (FAO 2012c).

According to the FAO (2013b), 1.4 billion hectares of land, or

28 per cent of the world’s agricultural land area, is used every

Area cultivated and yield per hectare


Source: World Bank Indicators, on line database, accessed on September 2013









per hectare

Area cultivated


Cereal production increase