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Improved safety: There is

no arcing, which is a major plus in

hazardous environments such as gas-

filled chambers.

Cost savings: There is no wear

and tear thus improving the uptime and

reducing maintenance.

However, a truly contactless connector

must be able to transmit both data and

power. For power, there are few options.

Capacitive power transfer (CPT) has the

advantage of being able to penetrate

(floating) metal and has low EMI, but it

suffers from low power density and short

range. Some generalized comparisons

of various wireless options, using pros

and cons, are shown for easy reference

(Figure 1.)

For contactless power transfer, an

inductively coupled power transfer

(ICPT) option proves to have more

pros than cons. It is has high power

density at reasonable distance, is well

known with widely available product

and technology solutions, and high

efficiency is possible. The downside is

that it cannot penetrate metal.

For data transmission, there are a

number of options. Capacitive coupling’s

low EMI is also an advantage for data

transfer, but such coupling requires

significant surface-plate area, which

can be challenging for tiny, rotating

couplers. Inductive coupling for data

suffers from low bit rates. Other options

include RF at 60 GHz, 2.45 or 5 GHz,

sub-GHz, and ICPT, as well as optical

links. Each has pros and cons, as shown

in Figure 1.

The 2.45-GHz industrial, scientific,

medical (ISM) band is also unlicensed,

with global acceptance and wide usage,

most notably as “wireless Ethernet”

under the moniker of Wi-Fi.

In the final analysis, it turns out that

a hybrid architecture, RF for data and

inductive coupling for power, is the best

approach for contactless connectivity.

Defining induction

Inductive power transfer has been with

us for quite some time, but for the sake

of clarity a quick run through of how

it works is useful in understanding its

utility as a wireless power-transfer


Faraday's law of induction states that

the induced electromotive force in any

closed circuit is equal to the rate of

change of the magnetic flux enclosed

by the circuit, or mathematically as:

Where is the electromotive force (EMF)

and ΦB is the magnetic flux.

The basic principle of an inductively

coupled power-transfer system is

shown (Figure 2). It consists of a

transmitter coil L1 and a receiver

coil L2. Both coils form a system of

magnetically coupled inductors. An

alternating current in the transmitter

coil generates a magnetic field, which

induces a voltage in the receiver coil.

The efficiency of the power transfer

depends on the coupling (k) between

the inductors and their quality, defined

as their Q factor.

The coupling is determined by the

distance between the inductors (z) and

the ratio of D2/D. The shape of the coils

and the angle between them further

determines the effective coupling.

The performance of a wireless power

link can be improved using resonant

inductive coupling. Resonance of

a circuit involving capacitors and

inductors occurs because the collapsing

magnetic field of the inductor generates

an electric current in its windings that

charges the capacitor, and then the

discharging capacitor provides an

electric current that builds the magnetic

field in the inductor. This process is

repeated continually.

At resonance, the series impedance of

the two elements is at a minimum and

the parallel impedance is at maximum.

Resonance is used for tuning and

filtering, because it occurs at a

particular frequency for given values of

inductance and capacitance.

To cancel the influence of the inductive

reactance and the capacitive reactance

they should have equal magnitude, ωL

= 1/ωC, so:

Where L is the inductance in Henrys,

C is the capacitance in Farads , and

ω = 2πf, in which f is the resonance

frequency in Hertz. In low-power

systems and for high power efficiency,

higher k and Q are required.

Figure 6: Free from the strictures of contact, contactless

interconnects provide greatly improved flexibility and reliability,

while magnetic coupling protects against explosions in gaseous or

otherwise flammable environments.

New-Tech Magazine Europe l 33