Leadership Matters - October 2013 - page 5

Given the impact of the new cut scores, how are 
you handling the release of the ISAT scores and 
what feedback are you geƫng? 
“Like most districts, we are communicating to our community the
changes in cut scores, PSAE alignment, and the move to the common
One mechanism that we have traditionally used in communicating ISAT
data is our district's performance relative to our neighbors'
performance. In this instance, it will aid in demonstrating the local and
statewide impact these changes have caused.”
Bradley Cox, Blackhawk Region President
“We are working to educate our community about why the scores
changed and what it really means. In the end, the cut scores are not
what we are stressing as relevant. In many cases, student's individual
scores improved, yet they dropped into a lower category. For students
and parents, the priority is whether or not students improved. Is there
student growth? Since we are transitioning to a student growth model
with the PARCC assessment, the growth has been our emphasis.”
Matt Stines, Southwestern Region President
“I initially met with my building principal and curriculum coordinator (in
April) and discussed the options to assure that the information we put
out was clear and concise. When we received our data, we broke the
data down and provided the comparison of where our students would
have ranked on the previous system and then cross referenced it with
the new benchmark. I submitted an article to our local paper and also
posted on our district website a preview for parents and community
members in anticipation of the data that we were expecting to receive.
I had several questions to clarify after the initial article went out, and I
explained what the change was and how we planned to interpret it. This
took care of all of the questions. We will be providing a follow-up letter home to parents to
assist with any questions they might have within the next two weeks.”
Jeff Fritchtnitch, Wabash Valley Region President
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