smoke
Ftslh
—
Having
opened
and
cleaned
ji
the
fish,
place
them
in
salt
and
saltpetre,
eight
parts
to
one,
and
leave
them
over
the
night.
Then
wipe
them,
and
hang
them
in
a
row,
by
a
stout
wire
passed
through
their
eyes,
over
a
sawdust
fire
for
about
twenty-four
hours.
To
salt
Fislu
—
Having
opened
and
cleaned
the
fish,
place
them
in
strong
brine
for
twenty
hours.
Drain
them
and
place
them
in
jars,
with
layers
of
salt
between
the
several
layers
of
fish.
Securely
cover
the
jars
until
the
fish
are
wanted.
Soak
the
fish
for
four
hours
in
lukewarm
water
and
dry
before
cooking.
To
pickle
Fish,
—
Having
opened
and
cleaned
the
fish
and
removed
their
heads,
place
them
in
a
jar
for
twenty-four
hours
with
layers
of
salt
between
the
several
layers
of
fish.
Drain
them,
and
boil
them
for
two
minutes
with
vinegar,
onions,
cloves,
peppercorns,
and
bay
leaves.
Place
them
in
jars,
pour
the
liquid
over
them,
and
closely
fasten
down
the
covers.
To
pot
Shrimps,
—
Boil
some
shrimps,
and
as
soon
as
cold
remove
their
shells.
Mix
with
them
a
little
mace,
cayenne,
salt,
and
pepper,
and
pack
them
tightly
in
the
pots.
Bake
for
about
ten
minutes
in
a
slow
oven,
and
when
cold
pour
over
them
a
quarter
of
an
inch
thickness
of
melted
butter
which
is
just
beginning
to
set.