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April 2015



Cost pressure brought about as a result of

lower commodity prices has given rise to

a rush of demand for well-priced mining

equipment and parts to fulfil the role of

similar but more expensive counterparts.

Mill linings are one area where many

mines in Africa, especially in the central

copper regions, as well as gold and plati-

num producers, are re-examining their

requirements and opting for new, more

modern liners that offer cost benefits both

in terms of initial procurement price and

the total cost of ownership.

According to Bobby Stevens, Tega

Industries SA Sales Engineer, considering

the high capital cost and mission critical

role of mills in the beneficiation of com-

modities, mines cannot afford to cut

corners while cutting costs. As a result, he

says, many of the more progressive tech-

nical teams on the continent’s mines are

choosing to opt for locally manufactured

products that are individually engineered

to suit the mines’ own requirements by

Tega Industries South Africa.

“Tega Industries has played an impor-

tant role in the provision of rubber, as well

as combination steel, rubber and ceramic

linings since 1989,” says Stevens. “These

modern polymer and combination liners

(PM) have given miners two to five times

better life over the usual steel liners with a

product that is lighter for maintenance and

installation purposes.

“Having been widely accepted into the

mainstream market fairly recently, sales

still hinge largely on convincingmine engi-

neers that a better way exists and working

with them to change specifications and

replace metal liners. In such instances we

usually put in a trial ring for our clients and

Miners look for mill liner efficiency

generally this is sufficient to convert clients

from steel liners to PM.

“Other new products such as our

recently tested Combi liner for SAG and

AG mill applications combine the lifter bar

and shell plate to spread impacts across

the mill surface and vastly improve the

efficiency of the mill,” he continues. “Other

innovations improve the performance of

a mill such as the introduction of a spe-

cial rubber base to assist in unstable mill

applications (or in aggressive applications)

where it is able to deal with larger fluctua-

tions in operating parameters.

“Through the correct selection of liners

and the use of powerful new mill optimi-

sation and efficiency software our liners

are able to drive down the cost per ton

of processing and thereby counteract the

effect of lower commodity prices. Also, by

improving the grinding capability of the

mill and thus the feed rate, our lining can

play a large role in improving the quality

and quantity of the end product.

“Although our liners are cost effective,

we cut no corners and rather choose to

Bobby Stevens of Tega Industries SA.

undertake studies of the attributes of each

grinding mill to improve productivity of

each client’s operation individually. We use

key software programs such as Mill Traj,

Tega Soft, Steve Morell and Bond power

models to assist with mill liner develop-

ments and apply it to both the design and

application of liners for individual mills.

Programs like Mill Traj and Tega Soft even

help us to predict the motion of media in

the mill with great accuracy, thereby allow-

ing us to optimise everything from media

to power consumption and wear proper-

ties,” says Stevens.

Vishal Gautam, Tega Industries, tel (+27 11) 421-9916

Fast work on screening plant by ELB

ELB Engineering Services (ELB) reports

it has completed the design, fabrication

and construction of a 250 t/h iron ore wet

screening plant for Sedibeng Iron Ore (SIO).

For Sedibeng to comply with restrictions

which limit the maximum percentage of

fines allowed in its products, a wet screen-

ingplant was required. ELBwas approached

to implement a solution for washed prod-

uct with very short project duration.

ELB worked closely with the client’s

team and a mere two months after con-

tract award the team introduced ore into

the plant.

ELB Engineering Services describes itself

as “an internationally recognised technol-

ogy driven holistic solutions provider to

the mining, power, port, construction and

industrial sectors in the field of materials

handling and beneficiation plants.”

Cornel Charlton, ELB Engineering Services,

tel (+27 11) 772-1509