Blackhall Place, Dublin 7
The President, Mr. Walter beatty, took the Chair at
11.40 a.m. in the Lecture Hall, Law School, Blackhall
Place, on Friday 21st November, 1980.
The notice convening the meeting was taken as read. A
list of those attending the meeting is filed with the
minutes. The President, welcomed the members present
and thanked them for their attendance. In particular, he
welcomed the President of the Incorporated Law Society
of Northern Ireland, Mr. Patrick Cross.
As the minutes of the General Meeting, held in
Blackhall Place, Dublin, on Friday, 2nd May, 1980, were
published in the Gazette, they were taken as read,
and were adopted and signed by the President.
Auditors' Report
The adoption of the Auditors' Report and financial
accounts for the year ended 30th April, 1979, was
proposed by Mr. B. Allen, seconded by Mr. P. D. M.
Prentice, and agreed. On the proposition of Mr. P. C.
Moore, seconded by Mr. C. R. M. Meredith, Messrs.
Coopers & Lybrand were re-elected as the Society's
auditors for the year ending 30th April, 1981.
Council Elections
The scrutineers' report on the Council election was
read by the Director General as follows:
Valid Poll: 1,347
Buckley, John F. 922; Quinlan, Moya 912; Beatty,
Walter 798; Binchy, Donal 790; Dundon, Joseph L. 769;
O'Mahony, Michael V. 766; O'Driscoll, Rory 765; Shaw,
Thomas D. 738; Blake, Bruce St. John 738; Collins,
Anthony E. 726; O'Connor, Patrick 712; Hickey, Gerald
711; McEvoy, W. D. 709; Carrigan, John 703;
Allen, William B. 686; Daly, Francis 683; Smyth,
Andrew 683; Houlihan, Michael 681; O'Donnell, Patrick
F. 672; Monahan, Raymond T. 670; Burke, Adrian P.
667; Curran, Maurice R. 664; Cullen, Laurence 656;
Shields, Laurence K. 652; Margetson, Ernest 645; Pigot,
David R. 638; Killeen, Sarah C. 623; Sexton, Harry 591;
Dillon Andrew 586; O'Connell, Michael 582; Donnelly,
Andrew 577. The above members were declared elected.
The following members received the number of votes
placed after their names:
Madigan, Patrick 530; Reidy, John 521; Doyle,
Gerard 456; McCourt, Philip 453; Mullen, George 343;
Garvan, Brendan 204.
Provincial Delegates returned unopposed:
Patrick J. McEllin, Claremorris, Co. Mayo;
Michael J. Hogan, 21 Patrick Street, Kilkenny;
Patrick A. Glynn, 84 O'Connell Street Limerick;
Peter F. R. Murphy, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal.
The Provincial Delegates returned unopposed were
declared elected. Noting the results of the election, the
President expressed his thanks to the scrutineers.
Report of the Council
As the Annual Report of the Council for the year
1979/80 had been circulated, the President took it as
read. On the President's report, in reply to Mr. T. C. G.
O'Mahony, the President stated that the Society's
Computer had been installed after obtaining the best
available advice and careful study. No person had been
deprived of employment as a result, but, the efficiency of
the Society had been increased. On the Report of the
Council, Mr. T. C. G. O'Mahony expressed his satisfac-
tion in the matter of the steps being taken on the
issue of legal costs and suggested that there was a shortage
of consultation rooms in the Four Courts. This was
accepted and, it was indicated that in the longer term the
accommodation which had been made available to the
Office of Public Works, would be recovered and converted
to additional Consultation Rooms.
The meeting then went on to consider the reports of the
various Committees as follows:
Registrars and Compensation Fund
The President's expression of thanks to Mr. Shaw for
his work on both of these Committees, was received with
applause. In reply to Mr. T. C. G. O'Mahony, the Director
General explained the manner in which the investment
account, in relation to the Compensation Fund, operated.
Professional Purposes
No comment arose on this report. The President
expressed his thanks to Mr. Margetson.
Mr. D. Moran enquired if it would be possible, under
the Courts Bill, to increase the fines under the Summary
Jurisdiction Acts, which at present were at a ridiculous
level. Mr. Binchy thought the suggestion might be more
appropriate to a Bill dealing with Criminal Law, but
undertook to look into the matter. The President thanked
Mr. Binchy and his Committee for their work during the
Mr. Curran dealt with queries from Mr. T. C. G.
O'Mahony on the Insurance Premium in respect of the
Compensation Fund, the Law Club and the increase in the