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Keep your Association sharp –

in all seasons.


Being prepared and responsive is what distinguishes our

firm. We strive to solve the problem–resolve the issue

and make life easier for our Associations and their

property managers.

Hueston McNulty, P.C.

Association General Counsel and Experienced Trial Attorneys

Samuel J. McNulty, Esq.


Tel: 973-377-0200 / Fax: 973-377-6328

Offices: Florham Park, NJ; Toms River, NJ; Blue Bell, PA; and New York, NY

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and clubhouses in several areas.

Water infiltration is one of the more

common deficiencies, typically at

roofs. The thermal camera gives the

engineer the ability to see temperature

differences on a leaking roof clad-

ding system (particularly on low slope

roofs). The wet insulation and roof

deck transmit a different heat signa-

ture than the surrounding, non-affect-

ed, areas. Once the problematic area

is located and the cause diagnosed

through the use of the thermal camera

and a visual inspection, a concentrat-

ed repair can be made at the area

of concern. Previously, the entire roof

cladding assembly may have had to

be addressed due to the inability to

locate the exact location of the leak.

This results in significant savings for

the association.

Another benefit of inspecting build-

ing issues with a thermal imager is

the ability to see patterns and risks

from the thermal data that are unseen

without this technology. For example,

a thermal image of an electrical panel

can show over-loaded circuits that

would have gone unnoticed without

the ability to see heat emittance. The

thermographer can follow the loads to

that circuit and determine if the exces-

sive heat is a result of an overloaded

condition or if it is simply a high load


Building Code Updates

The construction industry is in the

midst of a major change over the past

year. March of 2016 brought the

introduction of the 2015 International

Residential Code in New Jersey. The

importance of well-insulated buildings

has been recognized and will be

enforced through this latest code adop-

tion. Building envelope inspections

with the use of thermography can help

determine where a building’s insulation

may be lacking or missing completely.

Additionally, cold corners and air leaks

/ drafts can easily be found by taking

note of significant temperature changes

along a wall, floor or roof. These types

of studies can help an association

establish more energy efficient clubhous-

es, common areas and residential units

resulting in lower energy costs.

Education –Qualified Personnel

Anyone can purchase a thermal

imaging camera; they range from

$3,000, up to several hundred thou-

sand. Flir


one of the largest thermal