DEEP SEA MINERALS - Vol 1 - Sea-Floor Massive Sulphides - page 44

Deep sea mineral exploration and mining technology is aimed at the efficient identification and
economic extraction of sea-floor mineral resources. Recently, there have been significant ad-
vances in offshore technology, engineering, and equipment, predominantly fuelled by the off-
shore oil and gas, dredging, and telecommunications industries. Much of this technology, espe-
cially trenching technology for laying pipelines, can be applied to deep sea mineral extraction,
bringing the deep sea mining industry closer to commercialization.
Steps involved in the exploration and extraction of SMS deposits include:
• identifying potential targets;
• testing potential targets and prospect delineation;
• evaluating the resource;
• extracting minerals from the sea floor using remotely operated mining equipment;
• transporting the ore, via a lifting system, from the sea-floor to a production support vessel on
the sea surface;
• dewatering of the ore on board a production support vessel or platform;
• transferring the ore from the production support vessel to a transport barge or bulk carrier;
• transporting the ore to land for treatment and/or processing; and
• transporting concentrate and saleable products to market.
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