DEEP SEA MINERALS - Vol 1 - Sea-Floor Massive Sulphides - page 47

• ROV mapping using video cameras on a systematic grid or
traverse through the target area;
• grab sampling from the ROV to collect samples from the tar-
get area;
• ROV-based geophysical surveys to define the approximate
resource boundaries on the sea-floor; and
• high-resolution bathymetry surveys.
• Prospect delineation provides a two-dimensional picture of
the deposit, which allows an estimation to be made regard-
ing the deposit’s surface area.
4.1.3. Resource evaluation
Following prospect delineation, the best SMS prospects are
advanced to resource status by systematic resource drilling
and sampling. This allows a three-dimensional estimate to be
made of the deposit’s size.
High-resolution multi-beam bathymetric image acquired during
one of the EMEPC campaigns. Photo courtesy of EMEPC.
Sample collected by the ROV LUSO near S. Miguel Island (Azores).
Photo courtesy of EMEPC.
ROV maintenance. Photo courtesy of EMEPC.
ROV dives near the Azores Islands. Photo courtesy of EMEPC.
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