June 2016
www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.auSpeak Out
National Conference
You will find extensive and useful information about
the annual SPA National Conferences.
Online Member Communities
Click through to join and find information about the
SPA Member Only Communities. These Communities
are focussed on areas of clinical practice (Ageing
and Aged Care, Disability, Education and Learning,
Justice, Mental Health), type of practice (Private
Practice, Rural and Remote practice, Working
with Developing Communities), technology (Apps
and mobile devices), and stage of career (student
network—soon to be extended to incorporate early
career speech pathologists too).
CPD Live online
Click through to find information on and/or to register
for SPA online CPD events – both upcoming and the
events that have run within the last twelve months.
Pre-recorded CPD
Go here to find links to the CPD Events Library, CPD
live online events, the Ethics Education Package, and
the Evidence-Based Independent Study Resource.
CPD Workshops
Click through to see a list of upcoming SPA Events.
You can search by online or by individual Branch,
with further searches being developed. Our CPD
Branch workshop flyers have a new, easier to read
format. Terms and Conditions are now in a dedicated
document. Let us know if you have any feedback
about this.
National Tour
This is where you can find out about a cornerstone
of the SPA CPD program both the current tour and
access information on past tours.
Have you seen Professional
Development on
the new website?
Professional Development