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01 I

Molassc.s Beer.

Mix -1 quarts Molasses with 13 gallons water and 3 oz. Hops.

Boll half an hour, strain and add^ pint of Yeast.

Ginger Beer.

2 gallons water.

1 pint Molasses.

1 gill Yeast.


2oz. ground Ginger.

This can be ready for use in two hours.


2lbs. brown Sugar.

2 gallons boiling water.

1 quart Molasses.

2 oz. Cream Tartar.

2 oz. Ginger.

Stir well together. Put In a keg. Add a pint of good yeast;

bung It up close. Shake the keg well, and after standing

twenty-four hours bottle it, and In ten days it will sparkle like


Hop Beer.

5 quarts water.

6 oz. Hops.

Boll G hours, after which strain this, and adding 4 quarts more

water and 12 table-spoonsful ground ginger,boll 3 hours longer.

Strain this and mix with the former strained liquor. Deeply

brown a loaf of bread,and pounding it line add to the liquor,

and when It Is nearly cold add a pint of brewer's yeast,allowing

It to ferment a day and a half(36 hours). Draw offinto a keg

or bottle; tie corks down.

Leuloa Beer.

1 gallon water.


1 Lemon sliced.


1 table-spoon ground Ginger.

1 pint Sugar House Syrup,

pint Yeast.

Mix thoroughly and let stand for one day(24 hours), when It

will be ready to use. If bottled, tie down the corks.