Essence ofRomanPunch for Bottlinsr.
1 quart of boiling Syrup.
1 quart of Brandy.
,1 quart of Jamaica Rum.
21 Eggs.
1 Lemon.
Beat the eggs to a froth with the juice of the lemon; stir in the
liquors; filter through felt or close flannel,and add the syrup.
Bottle for use.
A little of this syrup in a tumbler two-thirds full of shaved
ice, and well shaken, makes a delicious beverage.
Essence ofKirschwasserPunch tor Bottling.
7 gallons of plain Syrup.
gallons of Lemon Juice.
5 gallons of Kirschwasser.
, ,
Mix thoroughly and strain through canton flannel. Instead of
lemon juice^ pint of essence of lemon may be used.
f f
Essence ofBrandyPunchfor Bottling.
5 gallons strong Brandy.
3 gallons plain Syrup.
pint of Tincture of Lemon peel,
pint of Tincture of Orange peel.
3oz. Tincture of Allspice.
wine glass Tincture of Cloves.
Mix the tinctures with the brandy and add the syrup.
' -
1 oz. Yellow Dock.
1 oz. Wintergreen.
, .''
1 oz. Sassafras.
. •
1 oz. Allspice.
<4 oz. Coriander.
oz. Wild CheiTy Bark.
R oz. Hops:
3 qts. Molasses.
Pour boiling water on the above and let stand twenty-four
hours; strain and add half pint yeast. It wiil be ready in
twenty-four hours.