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Abiraterone Acetate Plus Prednisolone Comparable to

Docetaxel in High-Risk Prostate Cancer

Patients beginning long-term androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) showed similar outcomes from the addition of

abiraterone acetate plus prednisolone vs docetaxel, according to new results from the Systemic Therapy in Advancing

or Metastatic Prostate cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy (STAMPEDE) trial. The findings were reported at the European

Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2017 Congress, from September 8–12.


atthew R. Sydes, MSc, with the

University College London, UK,

stated that oncologists and urol-

ogists want to know which combination is

preferable, which was the basis for con-

ducting the trial.

The STAMPEDE trial, initiated in 2005, is

designed to investigate a number of new

treatments combined with long-term hor-

monal therapy in patients with high-risk

prostate cancer.

In 2016, STAMPEDE found that docetaxel

improved survival vs standard of care (haz-

ard ratio 0.78). In June 2017, the trial found

that abiraterone acetate + prednisolone

also improved survival vs the same stand-

ard of care (hazard ratio 0.63).

The analysis used prospectively collected

data from STAMPEDE to directly compare

patients randomized to docetaxel or abi-

raterone acetate plus prednisolone while

both arms of the trial were recruiting. The

randomizations overlapped between 2011

and 2013. The comparison included 566

patients (189 randomized to docetaxel

and 377 to abiraterone acetate plus

prednisolone, both in addition to andro-

gen-deprivation therapy [+ radiotherapy in

some patients]).

The primary outcome of overall survival

was comparable between the two treat-

ments. However, estimates of treatment

effect clearly favored abiraterone acetate +

prednisolone with hazard ratios of 0.51 and

0.65, respectively, in early outcome meas-

ures of failure-free and progression-free


Estimates of treatment effect for late out-

come measures of metastatic progression

and freedom from symptomatic skeletal

events favored abiraterone acetate + pred-

nisolone, but the treatment groups did not

differ statistically significantly.

Mr. Sydes noted that the comparison was

underpowered, but it is the only data that

compares docetaxel and abiraterone

directly in this setting.

Coinvestigator Nicholas D. James, MD, of

the University of Birmingham and Queen

Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK, stated

in a written release that, the individual tri-

als suggested that abiraterone may exert

a larger effect on survival than docetaxel,

but this larger effect did not translate into

a clear advantage in this study.

He added that both drugs provided a sur-

vival advantage over standard of care

alone in men with high-risk prostate can-

cer who begin long-term hormone therapy.

The results suggested that starting with

either drug is acceptable and choice may

depend on availability.

Commenting for ESMO, Cora N. Stern-

berg, MD, of San Camillo Forlanini Hospital,

Rome, Italy, stated that the STAMPEDE trial

confers a unique design and has prospec-

tively studied more than 9000 patients with

high risk or metastatic hormone-sensitive

prostate cancer vs the standard of care. By

2025 it will have reported the results of 10

randomized clinical trials.

She added that this comparison offered

strong evidence for the combination of

standard of care in addition to abiraterone

acetate + prednisolone vs standard of care

alone in terms of failure-free survival and

progression-free survival and less strong

evidence in terms of metastases-free sur-

vival and skeletal related events. There

was no difference in survival with standard

of care in addition to docetaxel compared

to standard of care in addition to abirater-

one acetate + prednisolone, she noted.

Dr. Sternberg pointed out that the toxic-

ity profiles were quite different in the two

trials. Results with abiraterone acetate +

prednisolone were consistent with those

of the LATITUDE trial, which also favored

abiraterone acetate + prednisolone over

standard of care in high-risk patients.

According to Dr. Sternberg, both STAM-

PEDE randomized trials support starting

hormonal therapy plus either abirater-

one acetate + prednisolone or 6 cycles of

docetaxel, with similarly low percentages

of grade 3 or 4 toxicities with the two treat-

ments at 1 and 2 years. Physicians will base

their choice of therapy on availability and

patient characteristics and preferences,

she added.

Regarding the need for further studies, Dr.

Sternberg stated that cardiovascular fol-

low-up will be important in patients taking

abiraterone acetate + prednisolone.

PracticeUpdate Editorial Team

© ESMO 2017 Congress

ESMO 2017


VOL. 1 • NO. 3 • 2017