NewData on theManagement of HCC
Interview with Arndt Vogel
by Jennifer N. Caudle
Dr. Caudle:
Your team is presenting an abstract
at ESMO this year pertaining to health-
related quality of life and disease symptoms
in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC) treated with lenvatinib or sorafenib.
Can you tell us a little bit about the study?
Dr. Vogel:
Yes, of course. So, the study was
the first study, the first positive study
for more than 10 years for the systemic
treatment of HCC, and in this study noninfe-
riority was shown for lenvatinib compared
to sorafenib in first-line treatment. And
there were some efficacy endpoints that
were clearly improved with lenvatinib com-
pared to sorafenib, including TTP and PFS
and response rates. Another question, of
course, was whether these efficacy end-
points were somehow correlated with the
worst outcome for the patient, and there-
fore this has reported outcomes from
patients, I think, extremely important at the
moment to decide which treatment would
be best for our patients.
So, here in this study, there was really a
large quality of life investigation and the
compliance of all patients was very good,
so we have reports from more than 98% of
the patients, which is really extremely well
and the data are very robust. And what we
can see here is that overall during treatment,
quality of life and health-related, global
health declines during treatment, and the
outcomes are very similar for both treatment
arms sorafenib and lenvatinib. But there
were a couple of key domains which were
really in favor of lenvatinib compared to
sorafenib, and these domains include pain,
for example, nutrition, body image, and diar-
rhea, and these are, I think, outcomes which
are also important for the patient. So, overall,
I think these data indicate that we do have
some improved secondary endpoints, effi-
cacy endpoints, and we also have a safety
profile and then quality of life profile, which
is in favor of lenvatinib.
Dr. Caudle:
That’s very interesting. Now, you
were also involved in an analysis of serum
biomarkers in patients from the phase III
study comparing lenvatinib to sorafenib in
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. So
what were the main findings and implica-
tions from this study?
Dr. Vogel:
So, I think with the biomarker study,
we need to be a little bit careful. So, first of
all, this was...they were only derived from a
small portion of patients, so really we do not
have the tissue and the blood samples from
all patients, so we need to be a little bit care-
ful. We can just generate hypotheses with
these results. So, I think, although the data
are in line with what we expected, there are
indeed some biomarkers that change dur-
ing treatment with lenvatinib and sorafenib,
there’s not really one marker that could
predict which group of patients would ben-
efit more from either treatment, lenvatinib
or sorafenib. So, I think, we can use these
data to better understand the mechanism
of action and maybe also to better under-
stand mechanism of resistance in the future.
Dr. Caudle:
That’s interesting. You know,
let’s stay on the topic of biomarkers a
little longer, especially for hepatocellu-
lar carcinoma, but let’s shift our focus to
regorafenib. An exploratory analysis of
the RESOURCE trial is reported at ESMO
this year related to biomarkers that might
predict improved overall survival and
time to progression for patients receiving
regorafenib. So, how might these findings
influence clinical practice moving forward?
Dr. Vogel:
So, I think first of all, the RESOURCE
study was a very important study because
it was the first positive study in second-line
treatment of HCC, and so far we do not
really have an evidence-based second-line
treatment for our patients that have pro-
gressed on sorafenib. So, this was very
important and we now have the drug
available for these patients that tolerated
sorafenib and have progressed on it. So,
now we have the biomarker analysis here,
and again, I think, the data are interesting.
They will help us to better understand the
mechanism of action in the future. In this
trial, interestingly, there were some bio-
markers that were predictive of treatment
benefit with the regorafenib. They were not
prognostic. They’re also predictive for a
better TTP, and I think we might be able to
use these data in the future to better select
patients for treatment with regorafenib, but
at the moment, I think we only have one
approved second-line treatment, which is
regorafenib, so it will not really immediately
impact on our daily treatment decisions.
Dr Vogel is Professor,
Gastrointestinal Oncology;
Managing Senior Consultant,
Department of
Gastroenterology, Hepatology
and Endocrinology, Hannover
Medical School, Hannover,
Germany 2017
VOL. 1 • NO. 3 • 2017