Consortium vocational training
Z&W series 2014
Carer level 3
coding: (2014-vz-ig3-e3)
Work process 1.5 Supervises a client
For this assignment, select a client with multiple issues in the area of self-help skills in the
psychosocial and/or social area.
Explore the issues of this client using theory. Involve:
the nature and causes of this client’s disability
the consequences of this disorder or disability for the way of living and the
experience of the client in maintaining autonomy
the suitable supervision you will provide.
Write a supervision plan in which you explain the following topics:
the component or components of personal, psychosocial and social functioning your
supervision is directed to;
the objective of the supervision;
the manner in which you take into account the physical and mental well-being of the
how you maintain and/or develop the client’s functional autonomy through this
how you take into account the coping ability of the caregivers and next of kin;
the focused advice you provide to reinforce the coping ability of the caregivers and
next of kin.
Supervise the client according to the supervision plan you have formulated.
Evaluate your supervision with the client, caregivers and next of kin.
The client’s self-help skills have been encouraged where possible, as a result of which the
client has an optimal degree of functional autonomy.
Provide the following items of evidence:
A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner
A elucidated supervision plan for the self-help skills in the psychosocial and social