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Consortium vocational training

Z&W series 2014


Carer level 3

coding: (2014-vz-ig3-e3)


Work process 1.6 Supervises a group of clients


Select a situation that affects/disrupts the group climate, or which causes the climate to be

under pressure.

Create a plan of action to normalise the group climate. The interventions chosen are

determined by the situation, care setting and target group, capabilities and competency of

the clients. Work according to the regulations and instructions of the institution.

Provide a clarification on your plan of action. Involve:

the situation

the group dynamic

substantiation of your choice of interventions

the differences in the group and the way you have dealt with these

the manner in which the caregiver(s), next of kin and/or volunteer(s) were involved in

the creation of an optimum social climate.

Carry out your plan of action to normalise the group climate.


You have treated the clients appropriately in the area of self-help skills, in a manner that was

adapted to their needs and wishes.


Provide the following items of evidence:

A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner

An elucidated plan of action to normalise the group climate