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Dose per MU formalisms:

factor-based dose calculations

Intensity modulated fields (IMRT)

For IMRT techniques (Segmental-MLC or Dynamic-MLC), the

general approach

for the calculation of dose per MU from a

modulated field is:

1. Split the modulated field into K segments

2. Sub-divide each segment into a number of beamlets, M

3. Calculate the dose per MU for each beamlet as an open field

based on the factor-based formalism

4. Sum up the doses from each beamlet, with a weight proportional

to the contribution of the segment to total dose, and accounting for

the effect of MLC leakage and transmission.









open field (beamlet) dose derived

from the dose per MU factor-based


Beamlet weight depending on how it contributes to the dose from the

segment. This weight is also adjusted dosimetric properties of the

MLC (leakage and transmission)