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January 2017



Top projects

Drill pad preparation at Bisie

using local labour.

The company’s Chairman is Charles Needham,

who was CEO of Metorex when it developed

the Ruashi copper project near Lubumbashi in

the DRC.

Heading Alphamin’s DRC subsidiary,

Alphamin Bisie Mining SA, is Dr Richard

Robinson. The son of American mission-

aries who was born and brought up in the

DRC, Robinson has a wealth of experience in

the country and was at one point the Social

Programs Manager for the Tenke Fungurume

copper mine in Katanga in the south of the

DRC. He is based – with his family – at Goma.

Kamstra also notes that Alphamin has

retained two world experts to advise on and

contribute to aspects of the Bisie project. “We

have engaged Ian Dun to review and optimise

our proposed tin recovery process and we’ve

also appointed Tony Cox to our project team.

Ian is a leading expert on tin metallurgy with

over 30 years’ experience in the field while

Tony – whose background includes service

with Gold Fields, AngloGold Ashanti and what

used to be known as Turgis Consulting – is an

underground mining specialist with very wide

experience of Sub Level Caving.”

He adds that Alphamin’s Camp Manager at

Bisie, Sam Mwanga, who has been based at the

site since 2013, has performed incredibly under

sometimes difficult circumstances.

Summarising the Bisie project, Kamstra says

that it is a tin project without peer which will

be entering production at a time when there

is a developing global shortage of the metal.

“Yes, the project has its challenges but these

are completely outweighed by its pluses,” he

states. “We’ve demonstrated in our studies that

the ore can be efficiently mined and processed

at healthy margins and that the project has sig-

nificant potential to grow.

“We’re definitely on top of the logistical

issues and we have an in-depth knowledge of

how to operate in North Kivu, based on the fact

that we’ve already been there for more than

three years. Moreover, this is a mine that could

transform North Kivu, providing around 450

permanent local jobs along with very signifi-

cant economic benefits in a region of the DRC

which has seen almost no foreign investment

thus far. In short, this is a project demanding

to be built and we’re very optimistic that con-

struction is just months away now.”

Report by Arthur Tassell, photos courtesy of Alphamin

Continued from page 36