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that the summoning of such a meeting should be

postponed ; (3) that the matter would appear as

an item on the agenda of the Half-Yearly General

Meeting of the Society to be held under the

Society's Bye-laws on November 27th.

Petrol for Solicitors.

IT was ordered that a letter should be written to

the Department of Supplies pointing out that the

Council hope that as soon as conditions permit

of anv relaxation of the restriction of petrol

supplies the claims of the solicitors' profession for

priority would be favourably considered.

Commission on Vocational Organisation.

THE Secretary reported that the report of the

above Commission contains a number of recom

mendations affecting the professions, including

the proposal to set up a body to be known as

"The Professional Commission" which would be

invested with certain supervisory and appellate

functions in relation to the governing bodies of

the various professions. The matter was referred

to a Committee of the Council tor consideration.


THE Society is deeply indebted to the Government

Publications Office for presenting to the Library

a complete set bound in twenty-three numbered

and paged volumes of all the Statutory Rules,

Orders and other Regulations made between the

years 1022 to 1938, inclusive. The volumes also

include an Index in which the various Rules,

Orders and Regulations are entered



to the governing act or other authority and


by subject. This is the first Index published by the

Government of the Statutory Rules and Orders.

Part I of the Index contains an alphabetical list

of governing Acts, showing in each case the Orders

made thereunder. It also includes a list of Procla

mations, Notices, Orders, and Decrees which do

not expressly cite a governing Act. Part II con

tains an alphabetical list of Orders together with

the governing Act or Acts as appropriate. Sets of

the volumes have been deposited for reference in

the Oireachtas Library, the Law Library of the

Four Courts and the Libraries of the King's Inns

and the Incorporated Law Society.

The bidk of the Orders had already been pub

lished by the Stationery Office and were available

in printed form. The remainder had either ap

peared in

Iris Oifigiuil

or, being for Departmental

use, had not been published. These have been

printed and are included in the volumes except

Orders of an executive, local or temporary charac

ter or having a limited application which are

shown in the Index in italicised form. Orders of a

merely personal application or otherwise having

little or no public interest have been omitted

from the volumes and the Index.

Practitioners will require no commendatory

notice in the Society's


in order to appreciate

the excellent work of the Government Publications

Office in placing these volumes and Index at their

disposal. The volumes themselves are well bound

and easy to iise, and the Index appears to fulfil

all that one might expect in a work compiled by

the experts of the Stationery Office. Although the

majority of the Statutory Rules and Orders

could already have been purchased separately

their accessibility in volumes together with an

Index will be of the greatest possible assistance

to the profession and it is to be hoped that condi

tions will soon permit the publication of additional

volumes and an Index to bring the work up-to-

date. Now that the work has been started and

carried so far towards completion it should be

possible to publish the Statutory Rules and

Orders in annual volumes, each complete with an

Index as the Statutes are at present published.

The present publication does not touch the

Emergency Powers Orders. An Index to these

Orders covering the period 1939-43 was recently

brought out by the Government Publications



MR. DANIEL P. BLAYNEY, Solicitor, died on the

4th September, 1944, at Dublin.

Mr. Blayney served his apprenticeship with the

late Mr. Michael McCartan, Belfast, was admitted

in Hilary Sittings, 1896, and practised for some

time in Cape Town and Bulawayo. He returned

to Ireland and practised at Naas from 1912 up

to 1927 when he retired.

MR. THOMAS P. EARLY, Solicitor, died on 17th

September, 1944, at a private nursing home in


Mr. Early served his apprenticeship with Mr.

Thomas Early, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary

Sittings, 1940, and practised as a partner in the

firm of Thomas Early and Son at 63 Upper

O'Connell Street, Dublin.